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have been paid.  For information as to what this may amount to, I beg leave to refer you to the affidavits and professional statements on file in the office of the Attorney General touching the Marshal and Attorney for this District, and to the facts stated in petitions signed by nearly all the leading Members of the bar in this part of the State.  Some of them have been rebels, some are rebellious still, but they are not all liars.

I submit this statement which though somewhat lengthy is a simple recital of bare facts, as my own justification in failing to secure the benefits of an important Statute couched in plain language, to the interests I have in charge.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt. servant
Major General

Head Quarters Sub Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala.  Feby 4th 1867 

Howard Maj. Genl. O.O.
Commissioner H.
Washington D.C.

I am in receipt of your note of 30th ult, marked "strictly confidential."  The view suggested is precisely that which I have all the while asserted here, and I shall be glad enough to try to give effect to it.  If the necessary parties were now here, it could be done at once.  As it is I think it can be carried out and sent to Washington this month, though there the month of March will have to pass before it can be acted upon.

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your obdt. servant
Major General


Head Quarters Sub Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala. Febry 4" 1867

Shorkley Lieut. Geo.
Supt. Selma Ala.


The Asst. Commissioner directs me to say that has seen Judge Busteed and that he has promised to postpone the sale of the Gov't property in Selma.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt. servant
O.D. Kinsman

Head Quarters Sub Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Feb 4th 1867

Savage Lieut. E.B.
Comdg Post of Montgomery


You will please detail two men from your command to relieve the two men on duty as orderlies at these Head Quarters and direct them to report to me as soon as possible.

By order of
Major General Wager Swayne
J.F. Conyngham 
1" Lieut. 24" U.S.I. & A.A.A.G.

Head Quarters Sub Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala.  Febry 4th 1867

Savage Lieut. E.B.
Comdg Post of Montgomery


You will detail from your Comd two Non Com Officers & ten Privates for the purpose of arresting all enlisted men who may be found absent from Camp without a pass or those having a pass who may be found in the City under the influence of intoxicating Liquors.

By order of Major General Wager Swayne
J.F. Conyngham
1" Lieut. 24" U.S.I. & A.A.A.G.

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