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Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Feb 11" 1867

Edwards Bvt. Col. L.A.
Chief Medical Officer
Bureau RF & AL
Washington D.C.


Your communication of the 1st inst. in reference to the discharge of all Volunteer Medical Officers on duty in the Bureau, and the substitution of civilians therefor is received.  In reply I would call your attention to a letter on this subject sent from this office to Gen Howard on the 7" inst.

I am Colonel 
Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
Maj. Gen. & Asst Commr

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Feb 11" 1867

Tracy Bvt Maj Geo. H.
Supt Mobile Ala


The Assistant Commissioner directs me to say that there is no authority existing in the Bureau for the purchase of fuel for school purposes.  Where you have been personally responsible for such expenditure it will be authorized but no further purchase of fuel for that purpose will be made.  You are admonished on this point for the reason that among the papers forwarded by Lieut Logan for approval, an order is filed signed by yourself and directing that the A.A.Q.M. purchase two and a half (2 1/2) tons of coal for school purposes.  Fuel for hospital purposes should be drawn on form 29, Q.M. Dept signed by the Surgeon, approved by yourself, and then forwarded to these Head Quarters for approval. 

Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
O.D. Kinsman


Head Quarters Sub Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Feb 11" 1867

Culver Simon
Lawrenceville Henry Co Ala


Your letter of the 6" inst complaining that your wife and children are held by certain parties away from you and asking the aid of the Bureau, is received.  I have sent a copy of your letter to Judge Clayton, the Judge of your District asking hum to look into the matter.  In order that we may have full information as to the case you will send to this office as soon as possible a statement; giving the names of your employer, & the persons who are keeping your wife and children, whether or not your wife is serving under a contract; or of your children have been bound out under the laws of the State, how long they have been kept away from you &c

Very Respectfully
O.D. Kinsman

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Feb 11" 1867

Porter Hon. B.F.
Greenville Ala


I have made every endeavor to have the child of Mary Moxley (col) of your place sent to her mother but so far without effect.  I wrote to Mrs Morris twenty (20) days after the transportation was sent and this morning received an answer a copy of which is enclosed and which will explain itself. 

I am sir
Very Respectfully 
Your obdt servant
O.D. Kinsman

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