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Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Feb 2e" 1867

McGogy J.F. Talladega Ala
Gardner S.S. Greenville Ala


I enclose you herewith Circular No 3 current series from these Head Quarters relating to the distribution of the new supply of corn and bacon.  That portion of it which directs Sub Asst Commrs to personally supervise the issue of the supplies as far as their duties will permit does apply to civilians except where such supervision can be accomplished by them without other expense than that of actual transportation, as under present regulations civilians cannot be reimbursed for any other class of travel expenses.  An officer will therefore be detailed to discharge this duty

Very Respectfully

Headquarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Feb 23" 1867

McGogy J.F.
Sub Asst Commr
Talladega Ala


Your three letters, one of the 15" and two of the 16" insts relating to man employed at Fifty ($50) dollars per month at the Hospital, asking for medicines and again applying for a clerk and means of transportation, are received.  The arrangement you have made with Mr Miller to take charge of the Hospital is perhaps as well as could be made under existing circumstances but it would not answer permanently.  It is expected that an A.A. Surgeon will shortly report here for assignment and as soon as he does so he will be sent to Talladega.  If on his arrival it is found that an attendant or hospital steward is required Mr Miller might be retained at the pay allowed that class of employees.  I will endeavor to have medicines also sent with the Surgeon. Dr Kipp whom you will have seen before this reaches you will probably instruct you in detail as regards this subject.  Mr Wilda, your clerk left here for Talladega on the 16" and the mule harness and ambulance were forwarded on the 19" inst. 


Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Feb 23" 1867

Tracy Bvt Maj Geo. H.
Sub Asst Commr Talladega, Ala.


The Southern Relief Association are making arrangements to forward a shipment of corn to this State for issue to the destitute.  Three thousand (3000) bushels of corn will under this arrangement be shipped to Mobile and by an arrangement made with the Governor, one thousand (1000) bushels will be turned over to you for issue in your Sub District to the destitute colored people only.  A separate Report showing how these supplies are issued must be rendered that it may be forwarded to the Association making the donation.  The Governor will notify the consignees at Mobile who are the same as those receiving the Govt supplies to turn over the amount mentioned to you.

Very Respectfully

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Feb 23" 1867

Callis Bvt Col J.B.
Sub. Asst. Commr. Huntsville, Ala


The Southern Relief Association are making arrangements to forward a shipment of corn to this State for issue to the destitute.  Three thousand (3000) bushels of corn will under this arrangement be shipped to Tuscumbia and by an arrangement made with the Governor, one thousand (1000) bushels will be turned over to you for issue in your Sub District to the destitute colored people only.  A separate Report showing how these supplies are issued must 
be rendered that it may be forwarded to the Association making the donation.  The Governor will notify the consignees at Tuscumbia who are the same as those receiving the Govt supplies to turn over the amount mentioned to you.