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Head Quarters Sub Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  March 4" 1867 

[[left margin]] Whipple 418/444 
Bvt Maj Genl Wm. D.
Asst Adjt Genl
Dept of the Tenn


Your communication of the 25" Ult in reply to communication from this Office of the 1st Ult addressed to the A.A.A. Gen Dist of the Chattahoochee, in reference to the case of Milton Malone is received.  In reply I have the honor to make the following statement in completion of the history of the Malone case.  The statement of the 1st Ult ended with the transfer of Malone from the Military to the civil authorities.  Such transfer having taken place the prisoner was on the same day admitted to bail in the sum of Six thousand dollars, pending the arrival of a warrant from the civil authorities of Selma.  Such warrant having arrived the Judge of the Circuit Court here directed the Sheriff to send the prisoner to Selma.  The Sheriff on the 12" Ult intrusted this duty to a man in whom he states that he had every confidence but it would appear that this confidence was misplaced since the prisoner escaped before leaving the City.  The person having the prisoner in charge states that while on his way with the prisoner to the boat, he stopped to converse with a friend and that a moment after on looking round the prisoner was gone.  Such statement hardly needs comment.  The escape took place about dark on the evening of the 12" Ult and the Sheriff was not informed of it until noon of the 13" the Deputy stating in extenuation of his delay that he had hoped to recapture the prisoner.

The Circuit Judge at once communicated to General Swayne the fact of the escape and telegrams were sent by the latter in various directions with the hope of recapturing the fugitive.  The Sheriff also offered a reward of one hundred ($100) dollars for his arrest but all efforts in tracking him were in vain.  There is a rumor current here that he went to Columbus Ga at or in the vicinity of which, his Fathers family are understood to reside, and from thence that he went to Nassau in the Bahamas.  The Grand Jury here have found a true bill of indictment against the Deputy Sheriff who allowed the prisoner to escape, and he has been bound over to the next term of the Court in the sum of six thousand dollars.  The soldier shot is in hospital and it is not yet decided whether the wound will prove fatal.  The celerity and case with which the prisoner escaped from custody after transfer from the military to the civil authorities, is believed to justify the opinion that it 


was due in some measure at least to the fact that the victim of the offense belonged to the millitary service.

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
1" Lieut 24" U.S.I. & A.A.A.G.
(The Maj Genl Comdg being absent)

Head Quarters Sub Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  March 7" 1867 

[[left margin]] Presidents/
A & F. R.R.
A & M Riv R.R.
A & T Riv R.R.
M & C. R.R.
M & T. R.R.
M & G.N. RR
M & O R.R.
M & W.P. R.R.
S & M RR

to the of

I have the honor to transmit herewith for your information the enclosed Circular Letter from Major General O.O. Howard Commissioner Bureau R.F. & A.L. and would respectfully request that your answer to the same may be forwarded through these Head Quarters.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
1" Lieut 24" U.S.I. & A.A.A.G.

Head Quarters Sub Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  March 7" 1867 

[[left margin]] Mower 422/ 
Rev B.F.
Opelike Ala


Your note of the 6" inst asking for aid in the case of a widow lady living near Salem whose property has been lately destroyed by fire, is received.  In reply I have to say that no supplies have yet been received from either the Government or the Southern Famine Relief Commissioner.  Supplies are expected to arrive shortly from both sources when relief can be afforded to the destitute through the several county Agents.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant