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Your obedient servant
Maj Genl and Asst Comr

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama 
Montgomery Ala  March 14" 1867

Archer Mr W.H.
Hoke's Bluff
Cherokee Co. Ala.


Your communication of the 3" inst in reference to the apprenticeship of certain freed children is received.  In reply I have to request that you will forward the names & ages of the children, names of their parents, in what county, by what Judge, when bound &c.  Such detailed statements being received, prompt action will be taken at this office.

Very Respectfully 

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama 
Montgomery Ala  March 14" 1867

Henry Hon Jno. K.
Judge 11" Circuit
Greenville Butler Co. Ala.


Statement has been made to this office that at the last March term of your Court a true bill was found by the Grand Jury against one Andrew J. Godwin for an assault with intent to murder.  That a "capias" was issued and placed in the hands of the Sheriff Mr John T. Long but although Godwin continued in the county for many months, after that he was not arrested and that he subsequently removed to another county.  General Swayne directs me to inquire as to the correctness of this statement and the reasons for such action.

Very Respectfully 


Head Quarters Dist of Alabama 
Montgomery Ala  March 14" 1867

Chambliss Mr D.E.
Greenville Butler Co. Ala.


Your communication of the 2" in reference to the non serving of a capias issued against an A.J. Godwin, is received, and the matter will be inquired into.

Very Respectfully 

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama 
Montgomery Ala  March 14" 1867

McGogy J.F.
Sub Asst Commr
Talladega, Ala.


The two enclosed communications from Mr M.B. Campe are referred to you by direction of the Asst Commissioner who desires you to investigate this case conferring with loyal parties in Calhoun County.  Prompt action will be taken in the case if it is found that there is a probability of the guilt of the parties being proved.

Very Respectfully 

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama 
Montgomery Ala  March 16" 1867

Fair General E.Y.
Montgomery Ala


On examining the printed volume of United States Statutes at large, passed at the first Session of the 39" Congress, 1865-6, I find on page 46 and 47 an Act approved May 11" 1866, which is believed to be the law referred to in our conversation of this morning.

Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt servant
Major General

Transcription Notes:
Capias: writ ordering the arrest of a named person