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Head Quarters Dist of Alabama 
Montgomery, Ala  March 25" 1867

Stanton Edwin M.
Secretary of War 
Washington D.C


I have the honor to recommend the appointment of Bvt. Col. John B. Callis V.R.C. to a Captaincy in the United States Army. 

Col Callis made for himself a very good record during the war, and since the cessation of active hostilities, has served under me as Superintendent in the Freedman's Bureau in the important District of Northern Alabama, where he is now Sub Assistant Commissioner.  In this service Col Callis has displayed executive abilities of a high order, and a devotion to the interests of freedmen under his care which entitles him to warm commendation.

The zealous activity of Col Callis in his effort to bring about a return of peace among a divided people of the district under his charge inflamed by the recollections of sufferings and wrongs sustained by both parties to the war as the tide of battle swayed back and forth repeatedly during the contest, gives him an additional claim to your favorable consideration. 

I have the honor to be, 
Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant 
Major General

Head Quarters of Dist of Alabama 
Montgomery Ala  March 25" 1867

Hunt L.T. Esq
Kenton, Cardinlo, Ohio


Enclosed please find my certificate of the occurrence of the accident to Priv. Havily, Brush at Raccoon Mountains, May 4" 1864, asked for in your letter of March 15", 1867, which I hope will be satisfactory.

Very Respectfully 
Your obdt servant 
Major General


Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  March 25" 1867  

Henry Hon John. K.
Judge 11" Judicial Circuit 
Greenville Ala.

Dear Sir

Your telegram of March 11" inst was received here during my absence on a tour of inspection among the Stations of the Bureau in Alabama, and though some days have passed since my return, the accumulated business requiring my attention has delayed this explanation of not replying.

Without positive information as to the course that will be pursued by the Military Commander of this District, I presume that the Judicial Officers of the State will continue to hold Courts as heretofore until new elections are held or orders are issued to the contrary.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
Major General

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  March 25" 1864

Tarver L.A.
Burtow 11.C. R.R.
Jefferson County, Georgia.


Your letter applying to Maj. Gen. Thomas for the position of Register of Voters in your County has been received at these Head Quarters.

It is understood that Gen Thomas will not command this District under the Military bill.  If the Head Quarters of the Commander are established here, your letter will be laid before him.

Very Respectfully 
Your obdt servant
Major General