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Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama Montgomery Ala April 2 1867

Callis Bvt J.B.
Sub Asst Commr
Huntsville Ala

In reply to your telegram relative to supplying the District of Cherokee, The General Commanding directs me to inform you that Corn has been purchased to the amount of 640 Sacks (75-440 lbs) and shipped via Rome GA to D. C. Turrentine, Agent, for distribution to the Destitute of Cherokee and Bain Counties.
Very Respectfully 
Your obdt servant 
Wm H H Peck
Capt Vet Res Corps
Sub Asst Commr
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Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama 
Montgomery Ala April 6" 1867

Bright Edward Esq
Corresponding Secretary 
New York City

Dear Sir 
I am in receipt of your two favors of the 26th & 27th ult. concerning shipment of 18,000 bushels of Corn to Mobile, which will do incalculable good. I enclose for your information a copy of a letter received by Gov. Patton.
"Reconstruction" has kept me very busy until late Saturday evening. I will write you more fully on Monday.
Very Respectfully 
Your obdt servant
Major General
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Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama 
Montgomery Ala April 6" 186

Tracy Bvt Maj G.H.
Sub Asst Commr
Mobile Ala

Enclosed find vouchers for rent of Mobile Medical College. Please have them signed by the proper person and returned to this office.
Very Respectfully, Your obdt servant 
1" Lieut 24" U.S.I. & A.A.A.G.
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