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Head Quarters Dist of Alabama 
Montgomery Ala April 12th 1867

Phillips B F. Esqr 
New Bern Ala


Your communication of the 11th inst is received. 

Maj Pierce has been directed to investigate the charges made against Mr Spann 
If Mr Spann has collected money as stated by you he will be compelled to refund it 

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
C Cadle Jr
Sub Asst Commissioner

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala April 16th 1867

Healy Genl R.W.
United States Marshal
Mobile Ala

Dear Sir

The secretary of the Treasury has requested me to seize the First National Bank of Selma to investigate the recent robbery; and to arrest the parties who may be found implicated.  It is quite probable the Bank, and possibly its Officers; will be sometime in custody.  And after the investigation I should much prefer to turn them over to you, in whose hands they would be placed by due process of law if that had been resorted to. 

The new District Attorney will go down with me tonight to Selma; cannot you come there soon and take charge of the Bank and prisoners.

Please see the Judge about it and reply to me at this place as I shall try to be back here in a day or two

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Major General


Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala April 16th 1867

12/37 Pierce Bvt Maj C.W.
Sub Asst Com.
Demopolis Ala


I am directed by the Asst Comr to say to you that your construction of the civil Rights Bill in the case reported in yours of the 13th inst is right.

Under that Bill testimony cannot be excluded on account of color or race of the witness

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
C. Cadle Jr.
Sub Asst Commissioner

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala April 16th 1867

Whittlesey Bvt Brig Gen H 
Chief Q.M. Bureau
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of 120 blank forms No 1 receipts for issue of Corn and pork for destitutes &c

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Major General

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  April 16th 1867

Dawson Mrs M.A.
Loachapoka Ala


I return you the affidavit enclosed in your letter of the 8th inst.

The Probate Judge of Macon Co has expressed his willingness to revoke the letters of apprenticeship of the girl Adeline upon a written application being made to him setting forth the facts as they exist

Very Respectfully 