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Hd Qrs District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala April 27 1867

White Granville Esqr
Enon Ala

In reply to the question contained in yours of the 19 inst I have to say that the use of "Chain Gangs" as a mode of punishment has been ordered discontinued.
That portion of your letter relative to schools has been referred to the Bureau Supt of Education who will communicate with you on the subject.
Your course with the Freedmen of your District is much to be commended
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
Sub Asst Commissioner

Hd Qrs District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala April 27 1867

Wrathers P S Esqr
New Berne Ala

Your communication of the 18th inst. is received
Agents of the Bureau are not allowed to charge for approving contracts

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
Sub Asst Commissioner

Hd Qrs District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala April 27th 1867

Wickersham Col M.D.
Camden Ala

Dear Sir
Mr S D F Richards of Wilcox Co has applied. to this office for the position of Agent of the Bureau in his County


will you please give me your opinion as to his fitness for the position

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
Sub Asst Commissioner

Hd qrs District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala April 27th 1867

Whitters W.A. Esqr
Dudleyville Ala

Your communication of Mch 16th is received
I enclose you a copy of General Orders No 3 from this office. You will see that it is against the policy of this office to advise or consent to the apprenticeship of minors capable of self support
It appears from your letter that the girl is now earning a living and something over, Application from her or her friends to the Probate Judge by whom she was bound would probably result in the cancelling of her indenture.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
Sub Asst Commissioner

Hd Qrs District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala April 27th 1867

Sibley Col. C.C.
Asst Commissioner &c
Macon Ga

Your endorsement of the 18 inst on affidavit of Anthony Hancock with two notes of F M Frank enclosed has been received
The papers have been referred to J.J. Martin Atty at Law in Macon County Alabama with a request to communicate with the party owing the notes as to his willingness to undertake the collection of them 
Very Respectfully