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Hd qrs District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala April 24th 1867

To the Probate Judge 
of Elmore county Alabama

In addition to the proceedings directed to be taken by you in my letter of this date 
You will furnish the freedom Leonard Hart with a certificate that any proceedings had against him with nature of a sale of his person or services are null and void, and that any attempt to molest him or to compel him to service by virtue of such proceedings will subject the offender to severe punishment
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant 

Maj General

Hd qrs District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala April 27th 1867

To the Probate Judge  
of Elmore County Alabama 

Complaints is made of these Headquarters that Leonard Hart a Freedman was sold at or near the Camp ground in Chaunhatchie Creek on the lower road from Wetumpka to Tallassee, about four miles from the River.
The sale is said to have been ordered by John Burke, Justice of the Peace, and made by his bailiff Willis or Willett,
The sale is further said to have been made on Wednesday the 24th inst and the witnesses are Leonard Hart the man sold, Willis Brooks and Jeff Wright, who were present at the sale, and Calvin C Jones which is said will testify to the judgment ordering the sale
Immediately upon receipt hereof, you will cause the said John Burke and Willis or Willette to be brought before you and investigate the case
If you find facts to be as state, you will commit the defendants to jail without bail and report the testimony in the case and your 


action to me forthwith
The Sheriff will be instructed by you to bring the parties accused. You will issue the usual warrants for collection of the costs
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
Maj General

Hd qrs District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala April 28th 1867

Bright Dr Edward
Corresponding Secretary 
39 Park Ave
New York

Dear Sir
I am just in receipt of a telegram from Mobile, advising me that a cargo of supplies, which I presume are those sent by the "Purveyor", which have been so long enroute has finally Arrived.
Capt WC Arthur, Bureau Commissary, and M. Cruikshank the State Commissioner will go down to night to receive it and provide for its efficient distribution, I have ordered the Quartermaster at Mobile to provide such transportation as they may require, and full and prompt reports will be transmitted to you
I am also in receipt, this morning of your esteemed favor of 24th inst, with notice of supplies sent by the "Charles S Bayliss" and the "Adelaide Elwood" I hardly think the State, which is just now i very straitened circumstances, will be able to pay freight as you propose but still I think that we can get along without resorting to the sale of any portion as proposed.
We certainly shall try to do so. Governor Patton is now enroute for New York, and I will remind him to call and see you I was told that you would be here, and such that would be a satisfaction to us all
Your obedient Servant
Major General