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school will be free. If such arrangements are not made, there will be a charge for tuition imposed upon the pupils, and the Bureau will supply the deficiency that may appear between the amount collected and the sum required for Board and salary.
Very Respectfully, Yours

Hd Qrs District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala May 3d 1867

Bright Dr Edward
Corresponding Secretary
39 Park Rowe
New York City 

Dear Sir
I am this morning in receipt of your note of 27th inst, covering extract of a letter from the Hospital "association No application from them has been received at this office The Persons to whom they refer however are known to me as men of character, Judge McGuire and Madd having both been serviceable to us in the distribution of rations heretofore
I find on inquiring that their location is at or near the junction of Tuscaloosa and Jefferson Counties Last month we placed at the disposal of Judge McGuire for Tuscaloosa County four hundred and fifty sacks of corn, and twenty two hundred pounds of bacon, and the issue was inspected by an officer who visited Tuscaloosa for that purpose. A like amount for Jefferson Co was deposited at Selma, and they were notified to come and get it as they have done heretofore. I am advised this morning that they have not done so, and suppose that it is because the county cannot pay the local transportation. We have been trying until now to make the Counties do this, and have generally succeeded, where they were actually unable the State has helped them, where it could
Of late we have been driven to relax a little, and although our means are overtaxed, we-- shall try to do which is absolutely necessary in this way. And I will speedily send up the Jefferson supply. You will see also from the enclosed note of Mr Cruikshank that an application which they made to him has brought them prompt relief; And we will take care that your bounty reaches them; And that they know whence it come 
2 I notified you in my last that we had heard of the arrival of the Purveyor, and had sent to reach her 


The acting Commissary and Mr Cruikshand have returned from Mobile, and the supplies are enroute, according to the scheme embraced in Mr Cruikshanks note; Capt Arthur and that gentleman will provide for their further distribution, and Captain Peck who travels and inspects these matters will assist them as he may be needed
3 I have procured Authority from General Howard under which I think we can avoid the sale of any part of the lots shipped in care of Messrs Ingersaw & Co, the last reported by you. 
Your Obedient Servant
Maj General & Asst Commsr

Hd Qrs District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala May 3d 1867

To the Sheriff of 
Lowndes County Alabama 

You will immediately on receipt of this proceed to arrest Edward Maples who is described on the enclosed affidavit as having committed an assault on one Clark Lindsey. 
You will bring him to these Head Quarters.
You will be held responsible for the strict execution of this order.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant

Maj General
Hd Qrs District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala May 3d 1867

Panner D.B.

Yours of the 2d inst is received, and will receive due consideration.
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Maj General

Transcription Notes:
Cruikshank verified on internet as a correspondent to Maj Genl Swayne Please note Cruikshank is misspelled "Cruikshand" at the top of page 2