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Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commissioner

[[left margin]] 84 
Siddings [[/left margin]]

Hd Qrs District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala May 10th 1867



Your letter of the 27th ult relative to a suit brought against you by a Mr Parmer, is received 

In reply I have to say that you have no other recourse but to appear at the next term of the Circuit County and stand trial, If you believe the final result to be unjust to you refer the case to this office and action will be taken
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servant
O. D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commr

[left margin]] 85 
Waddell 38/71 [[/left margin]]

Hd Qrs District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala May 10th 1867

Hon J F
Probate Judge
Russell County Ala


A communication has been received at this office from Milly Dudley (colored) stating that some fifteen months ago her two children were without her consent, bound to Mr. RR Palmer of Russell County

It is stated that the children are so badly treated that one of them has run away the mother does not know where he is. The present husband of the mother is not the father of the children but is willing to support them

Your attention is called to General orders No 3 current series from these Head Quarters (copy enclosed)

The Asst Commissioner requests that you investigate this case and take action therein reporting the result to this office

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant


O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Asst. Commissioner

[[left margin]] 86 
Seal [[/left margin]]

Hd Qrs District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala. May 10th 1867



Your communication of the 4 inst relative to the rights of freedmen as witnesses is received.
In reply the Asst Commissioner directs me to say that the question of race or color will not under any circumstances be allowed to effect the competency of witnesses. An act of the Ala Legislature approved Feby 1 of do 1867 gives to interested parties in civil cases, except in the case of executors and administrators, the right to testify in their own behalf. The 3d section of said Act declares that the compentency of negros as witnesses shall be governed by an Act approved Dec 9th 1868 which last act is in direct conflict with the Civil Rights Bill

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Sert
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commr

[[left margin]]87 
/64 [[/left margin]]

Hd Qrs District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala May 11 1867

Agt B.R.F. and A.L.


Your communication of the 9th inst enclosing an "order" of Mr. S.G. Shaun is received

Your action and views relative to said order are fully approved and endorsed. Mr. Spencer has been notified through Maj. Pierce the Sub Asst Commissioner Demopolis Sub District that such orders are entirely unauthorized and that they are revoked

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commr