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Hd Qrs District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala May 11 1867

Davidson Wm L.

Your communication of 1st inst with accompanying bond for the faithful use of transportation of Freedmen and the letter of Col A W Shaffer of the 2nd inst enclosing amended bond is received.
These letters and bonds are herewith returned for correction. The Asst Commissioner is not aware of, any provision of the Bureau which authorizes the issue of rations to able bodied Freedmen being transported from one field of labor to another, and that part of the bond which relates to rations must be omitted. This character of bond requires a one dollar Int Rev Stamp
On the receipt of the Bond amended as above the proper certificate will be forwarded
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Asst Commissioner

Hd Qrs District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala May 11 1867

Gardner S.S.
Sub Asst Commr
Your communication of April 29th and explanatory letter of 2nd inst recommending the discharge of Mr  Markle Supt at the Garland Colony having been reported to the Asst Commissioner he directs that Mr Markle be discharged from the service of the Bureau of the 1st inst
A.A. Gingern Mecar will assume charge of the colony you will please acknowledge receipt hereof,

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commissioner


90 Hd Qrs District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala May 11 1867

Cook and Norwood Messrs
Atty at Law

Your communication of the 10th inst asking whether under General Orders No 3 from these Head Quarters, an apprentice will be discharged where proof is made that the Mother gave her voluntary consent to his apprenticeship, is received
In reply the Asst Commissioner directs me to say that the order referred to was issued as a general rule for the guidance of Probate Judges, any departure from said rule being upon their own responsibility

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commissioner

91 Hd Qrs District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala May 1st 1867

To the Sub Asst Commissioner
District of Alabama

Captain Henry C Corbin, 38th US. Infantry, (colored) on recruiting service for that regiment having been directed by his commanding officer to make the term of this command in the prosecution of that duty, the officers and agents of this Bureau are directed to make known this opportunity to Freedmen in their General vicinities, and to assist him in securing for the Army experienced and eligible recruits
It is, however, to be understood that this will not extend to entering on plantations, or the use of other means to incite freedmen to abandon existing arrangements for the year

By Order of
Maj Genl Wager Swayne
J F. Conyngham 
1st Lt 24th US Infty and A.A.A. Genl         

Transcription Notes:
Hd Qrs = Head Quarters