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Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala. June 13th, 1867

Mrs. Mary A
Tuscaloosa Co. Ala


A communication dated May 30th has been received at this office from R. S. Beal - late [?] [?] [?] [?] Vols, stating that you have a claim against Esq Smith and [?] H. Hubbard, amounting to $600.00, which you cannot collect. Assistance in the way of good is also asked for you. Your proper course is to bring suit for your claim before the civil authorities. The Probate Judge of your county is the proper person to apply to for supplies.

Very Respectfully,
Your obd't Srv't
O.D. Kimsmay
Sub Ass't Comm'n

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Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala. June 14th, 1867

[?] Maj. C. W.
Sub. Ass't Comm'n
Demopolis, Ala.


Yours of the 11th which, stating that you have engaged a clerk in the place of Mr Burton, and asking that a blank "Test Oath" may be sent, is received. Enclosed find the desired blank. It is of course necessary that Mr Claus should take the oath.

Very Respectfully,
Your obd't Srv't
O.D. Kimsmay
Sub. Ass't Comm'n

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Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala. June 14th, '67

Notasulga, Ala


Yours of the 13th which, relative to a colored orphan girl whom you wish to have apprenticed to you,
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is received. This matter is one for the action of the Probate Judge of the county where the child resides. [?] is responsible for his action therein. 

Very Respectfully,
Your obd't Srv't
O.D. Kimsmay
Sub. Ass't Comm'n

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Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala. June 14th, '67

Dr. Beuf. T.
Lafeyette, Ala


Yours of the 12th which asking that the provisions sent to your care may be shipped to Cusseta instead of West Point is received. In reply I have to state that the provisions are already at West Point subject to your order. 

Very Respectfully,
Your obd't Serv't
O. D. Kimsmay
Sub. Ass't Commn.

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Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala. June 16th, '67

Lieut. [?]
Sub. Ass't Comm'n
Selma, Ala


Mr Nelson. L. Andrews of Uniontown reports at this office that Mr Robert Christian, Agent and Justice of the Peace of Uniontown, is not properly discharging his duties in either capacity, and that in fact he has on many occasions been guilty of grave injustice. The statement is made that the colored poor people receive no portion of the supplies for the destitute, and that in severe cases of brutal accounts, where permanent injury was inflicted by whites on blacks, he so managed that the cases should never be brought to trial, putting the complaints off from time to time on different pretexts. Two particular cases were mentioned, one where Edward Raglan shot out the eye of a negro woman, another where a white man shot and beat a negro - there being nothing done in either case.