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Whiting Lieut L.J. 
Montgomery Ala
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Gardner S.S.
Greenville Ala
Tracy Bv't Maj - Geo. H.

General Orders No 9 - current series - from these Head-Quarters is herewith enclosed. 
The Ass't Comm'n directs that the several offices and Agents of the Bureau in this State report to this office any infringement of the same.

Very Respectfully
Your obd't Srv't
O.D. Kimsman
Sub. Ass't Comm'n

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala  June 13" 67

Wright Mr. P.T. 
Greensboro, Ala


Yours of the 11" inst, relative to employees leaving their employer, and asking if General Orders No 12, series of 1865 from the Ass't Comm'n is still in force, is received. 

In reply the Ass't Comm'n directs me to say that in violation of contracts, both employee and employer must have recourse to the civil law.

Very Respectfully, 
Your obd't Serv't
O.D. Kimsman
Sub Ass't Comm'n

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala  June 15th '67

Shann Mr. H.
Eanon, Ala


Yours of the 7th inst, relative to the case of John Davis and other freedmen, against W.M. Robinson, is received, and has been referred to Wm. E. Connelly, Sub-Ass't Comm'n of Eufaula.

Very Respectfully, Your obd't Servt
O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Ass't Comm'r


Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala  June 15" '67

Benham Hon V.M.
Probate Judge Lowndes Co.
Hayneville, Ala


Moses. G. Stone (col'd) has applied at this office for the cancellation of the indentures of apprenticeship in the case of two children - a nephew and niece of his.  The children are Eli - 11 yr's - and Linda - 15 yrs - and are the orphan children of Minerva Russell.  Robert Russell their "former owner" has taken them from their uncle, claiming that they were apprenticed to him by Judge Graham.  Their uncle appears to be an industrious, steady man, and is doing well.  This case is one for action under G.O. No 3 - current series - from these Hd Qrs (copy enclosed).  You will please report your action herein. 

Very Respectfully,
Your obd't Serv't
O.D. Kinsman
Sub-Ass't Comm'r

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala  June 15" '67

Shorkley Lieut. George
Sub. Ass't Comm'n
Selma, Ala


The communication of the 12" inst. from Bv't Capt Groves, relative to certain frauds committed by W.E. Parsons Jr. late clerk in the Bureau Q.M. Dept. at Selma, is received. 

The Ass't Comm'n directs that Mr Parsons be at once arrested and held in military custody, until further orders. 

Very Respectfully,
Your obd't Serv't
O. D. Kinsman
Sub. Ass't Comm'r

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala  June 15" 67

Callis Bv't Brig. Gen'l J.B.
Sub. Ass't Comm'r.
Huntsville, Ala.


In compliance with instructions from