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unless he should sign a stipulation that the right to consider the fluctuation of price between the maturity of the contract and actual delivery, was reserved to the United States.  

This matter was some days in abeyance, when, needing corn, and the price having risen meanwhile to near the contract price I ordered the corn to be received without such stipulation, leaving the settlement with you.  So far, merely for your information. 

But as to the meat.   He wishes us to receive as "bulk meat of the first quality" shoulders and sides packed in dry salt and unsmoked, worth at current rates about  six cents per pound less than the fourteen and a half cents named in the contract.

This I have refused to touch, first, because I don't believe it was contemplated to make such a bargain with him, and secondly, because I do not wish to be involved in the heavy loss of material, which must be added, if I do receive it, to the first loss by over payment.  The following Extract from an official statement by Capt Arthur, Acting Commissary, will explain what I mean.

* * * * *

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Office A.C.S. Bureau &c
Montgomery, June 17th 67

Maj.-Genl Wager Swayne
Asst Comm'r

Bone meats of any kind are very difficult at preserve in this climate of this season, unsmoked bone meats cannot be preserved here, unless in pickle.

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Sevt
(Signed) A.C. Arthur
A.C.S. B.R.F. & A.L.

Clear side bacon, such as is required for our purposes, such as we have always bought, can be bought here, in Montgomery, by the single cask at the price named in the contract, though freight has been paid on it from Mobile.  And this I 


offered to receive, and pointed out that the $2000. profit this would give Mr Nettleton was apparently full compensation for his services as middleman in purchasing a single lot of bacon, a service which could be completed in two days, without employing a dollar.

But he naturally prefers to deliver meat worth less than two-thirds the price, and pointing to certain letter and endorsements, claims an appeal to you.  Not wishing to wrong him, or to violate to any extent your order, I grant him this appeal, and at his request, ask you reply by telegraph.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servt
Maj Genl and Asst Comm'r

Head-Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala.  June 18th 67

Pierce Bvt Maj C.W.
Sub. Asst. Comm'r.
Demopolis, Ala.


Your Endorsement of the 14th inst on the communication of M.A. Creagh is received, and the Asst Commis directs me to say that your action is approved.

The uniform action of this office, in answering such complaints, is to inform the parties that both employers and employees must look to the existing State laws for redress.  

It is however the duty of the Bureau officials to watch the action of the civil authorities, and see that no injustice, under cover of the law, is committed.

State laws, which conflict with United States laws, are held not to exist, and their enforcement will not be allowed.  You will communicate the substance of this letter to Mr Creagh.

Very Respectfully,
Your obdt Servt
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commissioner

Head-Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala.  June 18th 67

Gardner S.S.
Sub Asst Comm'r
Greenville Ala


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