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approach of New Years shall enable us to make the effort which I have submitted to you to transfer them to the state. It is a work too precious to let go, in which a loss of headway means a loss of education to a number out of all proportion to the expenditures involved. Pardon so long a letter. If you will send but two lines of affirmative reply covering both points, we will endeavor to show you a result more than commensurate.

I am, General
Very Respectfully 
Your obdt Servt

Maj Genl & Asst Comm'r


Head quarters District of Ala
Montgomery Ala June 19 67

Cain Mr Robert
Northport Ala.


Yours of the 15" inst. stating that Genl Swayne's instructions relative to corn to be turned over to you, have not been complied with, is received. In reply I have to inform you that the instructions you refer to were subsequently modified by directions to Capt Peck, who was instructed to act after personal investigation.

Very Respectfully
Your obd't Servt.
O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Asst Comm'r


Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala. June 19" 67

Howard Maj Genl O.O.
Commissioner &c.
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to forward herewith the following Report for the month of May 1867.

Report of Rations issued to Refugees
Report of Rations issued to Freedmen
Report of Changes in Roster of Officers & Civilians

Also copies of Reports of rations issued to Refugees & Freedmen in February 1867, the originals having been forwarded on Mch 6 - 67


Very Respectfully,
Your obt Servant

Maj. Genl and Asst Comm'r.


Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala. June 20" 1867

Dodson Edmund
Eufaula, Ala.


Yours of the 10" inst. making inquiries as to the manner of obtaining Government lands, was received, and referred to the Register of Lands for the Middle District of Alabama.

I enclose herewith his reply.

Very Respectfully,
Your obd't Serv't
O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Asst. Comm'r.

(Letter referred to in above follows)


U.S. Land Department
Register Office, Montgomery, Ala.
June 19" 1867

Dodson Edmund
Enfaula Ala.
(Thro' Genl Swayne's Hd Qrs).


In reply to yours pf the 10" inst, recd from Genl Swayne, I have to inform you that land can only be had in lots of 80 acres; the 40 acre lots, of which the 80 is composed, must join on to each other, not cornering.

The cost of entering 80 acres is, with township map $9.00, without Township map $7.00. You must enter upon the land, settle and cultivate it for a period of five (5) years, when, by the payment of an additional $5.00, the United States gives you a Patent for the land. Absence from the  land for six consecutive months during the five years vitiates the title, and the land reverts to the Government. To enable you to enter the land you will have to send me the Township, Range and No of Sections upon which you wish to settle, and, if vacant, I will make the papers and send them to you by mail for proper execution.

Respectfully Yours
(Signed) A. Edwards