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As you are about to avail yourself of the leave of absence granted you, the Assistant Commissioner desires that a competent officer be selected to perform this duty

You will please confer with Maj Accleston on the subject, and report the officer's name by telegraph, that he may be directed to perform this duty.

Very Respectfully,
Your obd't Servt
O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Asst. Comm'r.

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala. June 25" 1867

Connelly Wm. E.
Sub Asst. Comm'r
Eufaula, Ala.

Yours of the 19" inst, enclosing estimate of expenses for June, is received. No estimate for "contingent expenses" can be made. Each item of expense must be reported. No further supply of stationery will be purchased by you, as you can what is necessary from the Quartermaster. I enclose vouchers in duplicate for the several items of expenditure for signature and return to the Chief Disbursing Officer, and also forward blank vouchers to be used in further payments.

You will sign the certificate on all these vouchers - except for the payment of yourself. An accostment of blank claim for Pension, Bounty &c. is forwarded you by to-day's mail. 

Very Respectfully,
Your obd't Servt
O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Asst. Comm'r.
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Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala. June 25" 67

Callis Bvt Brig Genl J.B.
Sub Asst Commr
Huntsville, Ala.

The enclosed bills for transportation storage &c on government store in March 1866 were received at this office without letter of transmittal. They are

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referred to you for report as to the correctness of the claims.

Very Respectfully,
Your obd't Servt
O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Asst. Comm'r.

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala. June 25" 1867

Browning Bvt Maj. Geo. F
Mobile, Ala.

The Assistant Commissioner (who returned yesterday evening from Atlanta) directs me to forward you the enclosed copy of telegram received. He directs me also to say that, though you will inspect this meat, you will not receive it unless under orders from these Headquarters.

Very Respectfully,
Your obd't Servt
O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Asst. Comm'r.

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(Copy) War Department
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Claim Division
Washington D.C., June 15" 67

Swayne Bvt Maj. Genl Wager
Assistant Commissioner.
Montgomery, Ala.

I am directed by the Major-General, Commissioner, to state that claim agents are in some cases endeavoring to avoid the limitation of their fees prescribed in the Joint Resolution of March 29" 1867, by inducing claimants to pay sums additional to those which are allowed and paid to the Agents by this Bureau. You are requested therefore to direct all your Officers or Agents, who may be entrusted with the disbursement of bounties, to impress upon claimants the fact that all fees and expenses of Attorneys, and all monies loaned by them, are deducted from the Bounty, and paid to the Attorneys by this Bureau. You are also requested to report to this office all cases which may come to your knowledge, in which Attorneys have asked or received