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it is to be hoped that he will do so.  No instructions can be given him by the "Clerk of the Court" here.  He has simply to act under the U.S. Statutes.

Very Respectfully,
Your obdt Serv't
O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Asst. Comm'r.

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala.  June 28" 67

Connelly William. E.
Sub Asst Comm'r
Eufaula, Ala.


Yours of the 24" inst. relative to appointment to civil office at Eufaula, is received sand referred to Maj Green.  All communications on this subject should be addressed to "Bvt Maj S.C. Green, Dept of Civil Affairs"

Very Respectfully,
Your obd't Serv't
O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Asst. Comm'r.

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala.  June 28" 67

McCall Hon. D.A.
Probate Judge Bullock Co.
Union Springs, Ala.


Albert Foster (Col'd) states at this office that Dr Sterling Foster of Union Springs has in his possession a boy named Abel whom he formerly owned, and who the Doctor states, has been apprenticed to him.  The father and mother of the child are both dead, but Albert, his uncle, claims him.

Another boy named Alfred is also supposed to have been bound to Dr Foster, but is now in the possession of the man Albert, who denies that he may be turned over to the grandmother, Maria Foster

You will please take such action in both these case as shall on investigation be found to be just.  General Orders No 3


current series from this office is enclosed for your information.

Very Respectfully,
Your obd't Serv't
O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Asst. Comm'r.

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala.  June 25" 1867

Blair Robert
Sub Ass't Comm'r
Tuscaloosa, Ala


Yours of the 25" inst. forwarding your vouchers for pay in June, is received.  The vouchers have been filled up and referred to the Chief Disbursing Officer.

Your letter also enclosed a bill for stationery which is herewith returned for explanation.  If the stationery was purchased for and used in your office, it may be paid for if proper vouchers (Form No 12) are presented.  Blank forms are herewith enclosed.  It will be necessary for you to certify that the stationery so purchased could not be obtained in any other way.

What stationery you require you will obtain by requisition on the Quarter Master.  Blank forms therefor are enclosed.

Very Respectfully,
Your obd't Serv't
O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Ass't. Comm'r.

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala.  June 28" 67

Osborn Mr. J.J.
Mobile, Ala.


Yours of the 22" inst. relative to the flat-boat purchased by you from the Government, and subsequently taken from you by the action of the civil authorities is received.  In reply the Ass't Comm'r directs me to say that when he promised that action should be had in the case "within five days", he anticipated being able to restore the boat to you by an order.  He believes now however that such course would be wrong, and your recourse is