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is received.  The parties complained of will be attended to, and sufficient time for full registration will allowed.

Very Respectfully
Your obd't serv't
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Ass't Comm'r

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala July 10" 67

Tracy Bv't Maj Geo H.
Sub. Ass't Comm'r.
Mobile Ala.


I have the honor to forward herewith transportation order for Joseph Brick, Refugee, from Mobile, Ala to Buffalo, N.Y. the same having been requested by letter of Dr C.C. Sherrard, forwarded to this office, approved by your endorsements of date May 31st and June 18th.

Also transportation order for Peter Physick, freedman, from Mobile Ala, to Richmond Va, the same having been requested by letter from W. Pierce and others, forwarded to this office, approved by your endorsements of date June 26th 67.

Very Respectfully,
Your obd't serv't
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Ass't Comm'r

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala  July 10" 67

Tracy Bvt Maj Geo. H.
Sub Ass't Comm'r
Mobile Ala.


I have the honor to forward herewith transportation orders for Mary Dyer from Mobile to Chicago.  The delay in forwarding this is due to the Q.M. Dep't being out of orders.

Very Respectfully
Your obd't serv't
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Ass't Comm'r


Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  July 10" 67

Gardner S.S.
Sub Ass't Comm'r
Greenville, Ala.


Yours of the 8th inst, stating that a mule, stolen from the Government some time ago, is reported to have been seen in Greenville, is received.  Should the animal be again seen or should you hear of its whereabouts you will cause it to be taken at once, and hold it until the title of the Government is found to be correct or otherwise.  Caution however is necessary, and the mule should not be seized unless witnesses are at hand who can testify positively to the identity of the animal.

Very Respectfully
Your obd't serv't
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Ass't Comm'r

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  July 11" 67

Sibley Col. C.C.
Ass't Comm'r
Bureau R.F. and A.L. Geo.


The communication of Lt. F.A.H. Gaebel, Sub Ass't Comm'r at Cuthbert Ga. of the 2" inst. referred from your office on the 6", relative to murder of Gill Curry in Calhoun Co., Ga., by his son Isaac, is received.

It has been referred to Wm. E. Connelly Sub Ass't Comm'r, who is directed to use every means through the civil authorities to arrest the murderer, and, in case of arrest to notify Lieut Gaebel direct.

Very Respectfully
Your obd't serv't
Maj. Genl and Assistant Commissioner

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala  July 11" 67

Andrews Mr. J.W.
Fredonia, Chambers Co. Ala


Yours of the 8" inst, asking what