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Head-Quarters District of Alabama 
Montgomery, Ala  July 15th 67

Shorkley Lt Geo.
Sub Asst Commis
Selma, Ala


In forwarding you the enclosed order the Assistant Commissioner desires that you confer with Mr Steward of Marion (the bearer of this letter) as to the best mode of carrying out its provisions, approving the contracts already made by him, after careful supervision on your part.  Col Beecher will leave for Marion via Selma, by the first boat.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Comm'r

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala  July 15th 67

Greene Bvt Maj S.C.
A.A.A. Genl
District of Alabama.


I have the honor to refer to you the enclosed extracts from a letter of Robert Blair Sub-Asst Comm'r Bureau R.F. and A.L. at Tuscaloosa, and the following communications, reporting progress of Registration in this State;

[[3 columns]]
| [[Name]] | [[District]] | [[Extract]] |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 1st Lt J.G.S. White | Huntsville Sub Dist | Letters of 30th ult & 4th & 9th inst |
| J.F. McGogy S.A.C. | Talladega Sub Dist | Letter of 6th inst |
| Bvt Maj C.W. Pierce S.A.C. | Demopolis Sub Dist | Letter of 1st inst |
| Lt Geo Shorkley S.A.C. | Selma Sub Dist | Letter of 28th ult |
| Wm. E. Connelly S.A.C. | Eufaula Sub Dist | Letters of 25th & 26th ult & 5th inst |
| Robert T. Smith S.A.C. | Opelika Sub Dist | Letters of 25th & 26th ult |
| Lt. L.J. Whiting S.A.C. | Montgomery Sub Dist | Letter of 29th ult |
| Capt W.H.H. Peck S.A.C. | Greenville Sub Dist | Letter of 24th ult |
| S.S. Gardner S.A.C. | Greenville Sub Dist | Letters of 27th & 9th inst |
| Bvt Maj Geo. H. Tracy S.A.C. | Mobile Sub Dist | Letters of 27th & 1st, 3rd & 9th inst |

By Order of
Maj Genl Wager Swayne
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Comm'r


Office of Agent Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Tuscaloosa, Ala.  June 27th 1867

Kinsman O.D.
Sub Asst Comm'r
District of Alabama


* * * * *
I have heard some threatened rumors of intended violence towards Geo. W. Cox, the Colored Register for this County, but have not yet been able to find out the names of the parties.
If I do I certainly shall take measures to have them prosecuted.  The business of Registration has been going on in this County for eight days;  perfectly orderly and quiet so far.
Nearly all of both colors are registering.  Two of the Registers for Pickens County have gone over, and will commence on Monday July 1st.
* * * * *
I beg leave to suggest that the better way to send books or papers to Registers, or others, is by mail, for the reason that we have no Express Office nearer than fifty (50) miles of tis place.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
(Signed) Robert Blair
Sub-Asst Comm'r

A True Copy
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commr

Head-Quarters District of Alabama 
Montgomery, Ala  July 16th 67

Sub Asst Comm'rs
Callis Bvt Brig Genl J.B.
Huntsville Ala.
Blair Robert
Tuscaloosa, Ala.
McGogy Jas F.
Talladega, Ala
Pierce Bvt Major C.W.
Demopolis Ala.
Shorkley Lt Geo.
Selma, Ala
Connelly Wm. E.
Eufaula, Ala.
Smith Robert T.
Opelika Ala