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Wm. E. Parsons late clerk in the Commissary Dept of the Bureau at Selma, may be allowed to go North, on the ground that his further detention may cause his death, is received.

The Assistant Commissioner in view of this belief expressed by you directs that Mr. Parsons be released, and allowed to go North.  If necessary for the security of his bail a "nolle prosequi" may be entered.

Very Respectfully,
Your obdt Servt.
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commr

Head-Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala.  July 20th 67

Connelly Wm. E.
Sub Asst Commr
Eufaula, Ala.


Yours of the 15th inst, forwarding vouchers for July for pay of yourself and Mr. Benton together with five other vouchers for service rendered, is received, and herewith returned for correction in accordance with former letter returning vouchers for June.  Your postage vouchers for June, though not made out on the proper form, will answer, and the money therefor will be forwarded at the close of the month.

A package of forms goes to you by to-days mail.

No notice has been received from you as to the mode by which you wish your money to be transmitted, but Col Beecher will to-day forward you a check on Mobile for your own June pay.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt svt
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commr

Head-Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala.  July 22th 67

Suydam Dr Charles H.
Hopkins Turn-out
S.C. R.R.


In reply to yours of the 18th inst. I have to say that Dr C.C. Badger is not now on duty


in this District.  He is however at present residing in the city, and letters addressed "Montgomery Ala" will reach him.

Very Respectfully
Your obd't Serv't
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Comm'r

Head-Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala.  July 22th 67

Osborne J.J.
Mobile Ala.


Yours of the 21th inst, asking what endorsement will be made on your claim in the flat-boat case, is received.  In reply I have to say that authority is asked to reimburse you for the money paid.

Very Respectfully,
Your obd't serv't
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commr

Head-Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala.  July 22th 67

Peck Capt. W.H.H.
Sub Asst Commr
Greenville, Ala.


Yours of the 20th inst. relative to the disagreement between yourself, and Mr. Wright Deputy Assessor of Butler Co. is received.  In reply thereto the Assistant Commissioner directs me to say that the letters of the 5th inst. were written to Mr Wright and yourself on the understanding that you had interfered with Mr. Wright in a procedure in which he was justified by an existing law.  Your own report still shows that understanding to be correct.

The freedmen were not deprived of their "property without due process of law", inasmuch as the Revenue law (Sec 2 Par 10) directs the Assessor to collect such tax, and "in default of payment when demanded by the Assessor said pistols" &c "shall be seized by him", and, if not redeemed in ten days, sold &c.

Mr Wright's action may have been actuated