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Head Quarter Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala. July 29th 1867

McCall Hon. D.A.
Probate Judge Bullock Co.
Union Springs, Ala.


Your communication of the 26th inst enclosing letter from Mr W Ivay relative to a disturbance which occurred in your County is received.  In reply the Assistant Commissioner directs me to say that when men whip women public indignation may be looked for.  The Ass't Comm'n declines to interfere as requested by Mr Ivay.  If the Civil Authorities act justly in this case no fears need be apprehended of mob violence.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Asst. Commissioner

Head Quarter Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala. July 30th '67

Gardner Saml. S
Sub. Asst. Commissioner
Greenville, Alabama


Yours of the 25th inst. relative to the murder of certain freedmen and barbarous treatment of freedwoman and stating that no action thereon has been had by the Civil Authorities, is received.  In reply the Assistant Commissioner directs me to state that a "Military Commission" will probably be convened here on the 2nd of September and that he desires you to prepare the case for trial, getting names of all witnesses &c.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Asst. Commissioner

Head Quarter Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala.  July 30th 1867

Peck Captain Wm H.H.
Sub. Asst. Commissioner
Greenville, Alabama


Your telegraphic 


application for thirty days leave of absence is received.  The Assistant Commissioner left for the North this morning and will be absent until about the 20th prox.  I shall forward your application to him by the first mail.  If you will forward an application setting forth the circumstances rendering it necessary for you to have a leave I will send that also to the General. 

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Asst. Commissioner

Head Quarter Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala.  July 30th 1867

Connelly Wm E
Sub. Asst. Commissioner
Eufaula, Alabama


Mr Arnold Seals of Line Creek, Macon Co. states that he is informed there is a League of Colored people at Chunnennuga [[Chunnenuggee]] Ridge in Bullock Co. which parades on Sunday and disturbs the people in their worship.  The leader of the League is said to be named Speed and it is stated that he is the leader of two other Leagues - one at Enon, and the other at Midway. S peed is employed by Mr Carey who lives on the Ridge.  You will please inquire into this case and if these statements are found correct you will instruct the man Speed that while his organization of Loyial Leagues is laudable in itself, yet that as a citizen he has no right to disturb other citizen while at worship as in so doing he renders himself amenable to the law.  These statements may be made because of hostility to the political rights of the colored men, and you will therefore carefully assure yourself as to the wants of the case, before giving the advice suggested. 

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Asst. Commissioner