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Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama.
Montgomery, Alabama. Oct. 22nd, 1867.
Bol. Maj. Genl. A.P.
Claim Div. Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Washington D.C.

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt this day of your communication of the 15th inst. enclosing discharge of Milton Fletcher, Eldridge Fletcher, Saml. Cartwright, Henry Cartwright and Elias McClemon, all of Co "R" 12th U.S.C.T. and stating that their claims to the amount of two hundred and thirty dollars ($230.00/100) in the case of the first named and two hundred and thirty dollars and twenty cents ($230.20/100) each in the case of the town last named, have been allowed said amounts being in the hands of the Chief Dis. Officer of the Bureau for remittance to them. Discharge and notification of allowance of claims go to day to Bol. Brig. Genl. John Bloaltis Sub. Asst. Commissioner at Huntsville.

Very Respectfully 
Your Obt. Servant

Bol. Maj. Genl. and Asst. Commissioner

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Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama.
Montgomery, Alabama. Oct. 22nd, 1867.

Howe David
Probate Judge 
Montgomery County

The communication of the 21st inst. from the commissioners of Montgomery County accepting proposition of transfer of the Bureau Hospital to the civil authorities is received. The Asst. Commissioner desires me to say that insinuate as the county will receive a large amount of valuable property it must be clearly understood that they will care for all inmates found in the Hospital. To send paupers to counties which are receiving no property from the Gov't would be injustice to them. The necessary arrangements for the transfer will soon be made and it is requested that this Office be notified of the Agent selected has received the property.
Very Respectfully Your Obt. Servant
O.D. Kinman
Sub. Asst. Commissioner 

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Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama.
Montgomery, Alabama. Oct. 22nd, 1867.

Bol. Brig. Genl. John B.
Sub. Asst. Commissioner
Huntsville, Alabama.

Lieut. Geo.
Sub. Asst. Commissioner
Selena, Alabama.

Captain James
Sub. Asst. Commissioner
Mobile, Alabama. 

Refering to Circular Letter of 16th inst. and S.O. 15 current service relative to transfer of hospitals to the civil authorities the Asst. Commissioner desires it to be clearly understood that the civil authorities will receive and care all the inmates of said hospitals without regard to their being or having been residents of other counties. The General government having supported these paupers of these Counties for more than two years and now transfering to the Civil Authorities so much valuable property it is but just that the latter assume the care of all the inmates, without transfering any portion of them to counties which have not received this special aid. 
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant 
O.D. Kinman 
Sub. Asst. Commissioner

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Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama.
Montgomery, Alabama. Oct. 22nd, 1867.

Mr. James F.
Sub. Asst. Commissioner
Talladega, Alabama.

Mr. Saml. S.
Sub. Asst. Commissioner
Greenville, Alabama.

Refering the Circular Letter of 11th alt relative to transfer of hospitals to the Civil Authorities the Asst. Commissioner desires it to be clearly understood that the Civil Authorities will receive.