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Gillette Captain James 
Sub Asst. Commissioner 
Mobile, Alabama.

Whiting Lt. L.J.
Chief QM Bureau &c
Dist. of Ala

The transfer of forage from the Military Quartermasters Department to that Department in the Bureau having ceased and it being therefore necessary to procure such stores by direct purchases, you are hereby authorized to make such necessary purchases of forage from time to time as may be required for the stock in your charge. N ot more than fifteen days supply should be kept on hand, as it is expected that arrangements will be made to dispose of all stock at places where the Bureau Hospitals are transferred to the Civil Authorities.  Purchases under this letter will be paid for on presentation of the proper vouchers to Bvt. Lt. Col Edwin Beecher Dis. Officer.

By Order of
Bvt. Maj. Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) S.C. Greene
Captain 24th Infty. Bvt. Maj. USA. A.A.A.G.


Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama.
Montgomery, Alabama.  Nov. 13th 1867.

McGogy Mr James F
Sub Asst. Commissioner 
Talladega, Alabama

Gardner Mr Saml. S
Sub Asst. Commissioner
Greenville, Alabama.

The transfer of forage form the Military Quartermasters Department to that Department in the Bureau, having ceased and it being therefore necessary to procure such stores by direct purchase. You are hereby authorized to make such necessary purchases of forage form time to time as may be required for the stock in your charge.
Purchases under this letter will be paid for on presentation of the proper vouchers to Bvt. Lt. Col. Edwin Beecher Dis Officer.

By Order of Bvt Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) S.C. Greene 
Captain 24th Infty Bvt. Maj U.S.A. A.A.A. Genl. 


Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama 
Montgomery, Alabama.  Nov. 14th 1867.

Hart Mr John A
Actg. Sub Asst. Commissioner
Greenville, Alabama.


Yours of the 9th inst. relative to collection of the dues of colored men, is received.  It is believed that GO 13 issued on the 9th inst from Hd. Qrs. District of Alabama will cover all such cases. 

Very Respectfully 
Your Obt. Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst. Commissioner

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama. 
Montgomery, Alabama. Nov. 14th 1867.

Howard Maj Genl. O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to transmit herewith the following reports, for the month of October 1867.

Report of Offices and Civilian Employees.
Report of Refugees.
Report of Freedmen.

Very Respectfully 
Your Obt. Servant
Bvt. Maj. Genl. and Asst. Commissioner

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama. 
Montgomery, Alabama.  Nov. 18th 1867

Gillette Captain James
Sub Asst. Commissioner 
Mobile, Alabama.


Your communication of the 15th inst. relative to Mobile College is received.  The General desires me to say that he expects to be able to write you fully on the subject in a few days.

Very Respectfully Your Obt. Svt.
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst. Commissioner