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Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama.
Montgomery, Alabama.  Nov. 19th 1867.

Howard Maj Genl. O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.

Dear General 

For a variety of reasons, I am of opinion that Lieut L.J. Whiting, who is now on duty here as Quartermaster of the Bureau for this Post and District, had better join his regiment.  This seems to be necessary both for his own and for the public good.  As he was ordered here by the Adjutant General, I suppose the order for his return should have the same authority.  Please have it issued.

About a successor. W.C. Arthur Actg. Commissioner is especially well qualified to close up the Department, as we are beginning to do, and can discharge the duty without any expense.  I have however doubt of my authority to order a transfer of the Quartermasters property to a person not actually in Commission.  I should be glad to be authorized to do so, in time to effect the transfer on the first day of next month. 

Very Respectfully 
Your Obt. Servant
Bvt. Maj. Genl. and Asst. Commissioner

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama.
Montgomery, Alabama. Nov. 21st 1867

Sturdivant Hon. Allen B
Dadeville, Tallapoosa Co. Ala.


A colored man named Jerry Mott make complaint at this Office that two men named James and Joseph Causee who live near Mr Boatwrights shop two miles East of Tallassee Factory made an unprovoked assault on him on Saturday last. 

It is stated that the man Jerry had some dispute with his employer (James Causee) who finally threatened to shoot him and on Jerry running off, did shoot at but missed him that they then attempted to track him with a dog but failed - that Jerry then went to Mr Strickland a Justice of the Peace and on relating his story was told by Strickland that he would on the 


next day issue a warrant for the arrest of the party.  That on the next day (Saturday) after having been again to Mr Strickland he was overtaken by the two Causee's who told him to lay down his gun which he did - that Joseph Causee then coming up struck him over the head with the breech of the gun felling him to the ground and James snapped his pistol thrice in his face, kicked him in the mouth and beat him with a stick - that they then took him home and attempting to stop the bleeding of his wounds and on that night (Saturday) permitted him to go home from whence he made his way to Montgomery.  A colored man named Cicero Smith who works for Clay Smith of Tallassee was standing near and saw the assault made on Saturday.

The General directs that you investigate this case and if the facts be found to be as stated that you place these men in jail without bail, and report your action to this office.

Very Respectfully 
Your Obt. Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst. Commissioner

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama 
Montgomery, Alabama. Nov. 25th 1867.

Healy Mr J.B.
Agent Bureau RF and AL.
Girard, Alabama.


On your last visit here you spoke of there being a man in your County who could take the test Oath and was capable of performing the duties of Sheriff.  The General desires that you at once forward his name to this Office.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst. Commissioner

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama.
Montgomery, Alabama.  Nov. 25th 1867.

Siler Hon. D.W.
Probate Judge of Pike Co.
Troy, Alabama


John Jones son of Davy Jones (Col'd) has presented his case at this Office for advice thereon