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Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama.
Montgomery, Alabama.  Nov. 29th 1867

Shorkley Bvt. Maj. C.W.
Sub Asst. Commissioner
Selma, Alabama.


I have the honor herewith to transmit the appointment of Benj. R Thomas Esq of Uniontown Dallas Co. as an Agent (without pay) of the Bureau.  As Uniontown is near the line dividing your subdistrict from Maj. Pierces it has been thought advisable to give Mr. Thomas jurisdiction over any cases which parties resident in Perry, Dallas, Marengo and Hale Counties may bring before him.

He will be subject to your supervision in cases occurring in the two former Counties and to the supervision of Maj. Pierce in the two latter.  As Uniontown lies in your subdistrict please correspond with Mr. Thomas and instruct him in his duties and powers.

By Order of Bvt Maj. Genl Wager Swayne
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst. Commissioner

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery, Alabama.  Nov. 29th 1867

Pierce Bvt. Maj. C.W.
Sub Asst. Commissioner
Demopolis, Alabama.


I have the honor to forward herewith copy of letter sent this day to Bvt Maj Geo Shorkley, Sub Asst Comr. at Selma, and copy of appointment to Benj. R. Thomas Esq. as Agent (without pay) of the Bureau of Uniontown.

Very Respectfully, 
Your Obt Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst. Commissioner

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery, Alabama.  Nov. 29th 1867

Thomas Benj. R Esq.
Uniontown, Dallas Co. Ala.


Upon the recommendation of Hon. 


G.W. Graves you are hereby appointed an Agent (without pay) of the Bureau RF and AL.  Your jurisdiction as such will extend to cases brought by parties in either Perry, Dallas, Marengo or Hale Counties.  You will please report in writing to Bvt. Maj. Geo. Shorkley Sub Asst. Comr. at Selma, Ala, who will give you all necessary instructions as to your duties and powers.  In cases occurring in Perry and Dallas Counties where special instructions are desired you will forward them to Bvt Maj. Shorkley at Selma.  Cases in Marengo and Hale will be forwarded to Bvt Maj. C.W. Pierce Sub Asst. Comr. at Demopolis.  This division of reference is necessary as your jurisdiction extends into parts of two Sub Districts.  Your appointment will hold good until further Orders.

By Order of Bvt Maj. Genl. Wager Swayne
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst. Commissioner

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery, Alabama.  Nov. 30th 1867

Healy Mr J.B.
Agent Bureau R.F. and AL.
Girard, Alabama.


I have the honor to transmit herewith S.O. 83, II current series from this Office revoking S.O. 81, III relative to the plantation of Mr Shingleur.  This done in consequence of a letter from J.T. Holland Sheriff of Russell County.

Copies of his letter and the reply thereto are herewith transmitted for your information.  You will note the proceedings of the Sheriff in this case and report any attempt on his part of avoid his responsibility "for the payment of the freedmen."

Very Respectfully, 
Your Obt Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst. Commissioner

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery, Alabama.  Nov. 30th 1867

Holland J.T. Esq
Sheriff Russell Co. Ala.
Columbus Georgia.
Not Sent


Yours of the 28th inst relative to the condition of affairs on Mr J.A. Shingleurs plantation and your responsibility in the matter, is received.  In reply I have