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Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Jany 16th 1868

Callis Bt Brig Genl Jno B
Sub Asst Commn
Huntsville Ala

In accordance with telegraphic instructions of the 15th inst from the Commr.  You are relieved from duty in the Bureau, and will at once report by letter to the Adjt General of the Army for duty.  Copy of S.O. 5 Hd Qrs Dist of Ala relieving you is herewith enclosed.

By order of
Bt Brig Genl Julius Hayden
Sub Asst Commr.

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Jany 16, 1868

Howard Major General O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.

I have the honor to enclose herewith copy of S.O. 5, Hd Qrs Dist of Ala Current series assigning Capt Robt Harrison 33 U.S. Infy to duty as Sub Asst Commr. and relieving Capt Jno B Callis 45th U.S. Infy from that duty

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
J. Hayden
Bt Brig Genl & Asst Commr.

Head Qrs Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Jany 20, 1868

Thweatt Mr. Kinchen
Columbus Ga


I am directed by the Asst Commr to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 15" inst
Reference has been made to JB Healy Agt at Girard Ala with instructions.  You will learn of the matter through him

Very Respectfully Your Obdt Sevt
Geo Shorkley
Capt 15 Infy B Maj U.S.A. A.A.A.G.


Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Jany 21st 1868

Howard Maj Genl O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.

I have the honor to state in compliance with your letter endorsement upon application for revocation of appointment of OD Kinsman Sub Asst Commr. and Chas J Kipp Surg in Chief at these Head Quarters that these Officers were relieved by Circular Order dated Jany 20th 1868 (Copy enclosed).  They have been paid to include Jany 19 1868.

Very Respectfully 
Your Obedient Servant
J. Hayden
Bt. Brig. Genl. & Asst. Commr.

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Jany 24th 1868

Gillette Bt Maj James
Sub Asst Commr
Mobile Ala

Your communication of the 23rd inst forwarding letters from JF Hufton Esq Justice of the Peace Clarke Co Ala accompanied by other papers has been received and referred to Bt Maj Greene A.A.A.G. in charge of Civil Affairs.  Your recommendation as to the approval of contracts will be considered.

By order of Bt Brig Genl Julius Hayden
Geo Shorkley
Capt 15th Infy B Maj U.S.A. A.A.A.G.

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Jany 24, 1868

McGogy James F
Sub Asst Commr
Talladega Ala

Your telegram of the 23rd inst has been received also yours of former date and referred to the Military Dept.  Troops will be sent you immediately from Selma.