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By order of
Bt Brig Genl Julius Hayden
Geo. Shorkley
Capt. 15 Infy Bt Maj. U.S.A.
A.A.A. Genl

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Jany 25th 1868

Cleaveland Miss Mary
Matron Home for Orphans
Montgomery Ala


The Asst. Commr. desires me to say in answer to your communication of today applying for provisions for issue to the inmates of your "Home" that he has the matter under consideration.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Geo. Shorkley
Capt. 15 Infy Bt Maj. U.S.A.
A.A.A. Genl

Headquarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Jan 27, 1867.

Judge of Probate To the Honorable
Blount Co Ala.


The Assistant Commissioner requests that you transmit the enclosed communication to Justice Russell of your County - receive and return to this office his reply.

Very respectfully
Your Obt Servant
Geo. Shorkley
Capt. 15 Infy Bt Maj. U.S.A.
A.A.A. Genl


Headquarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala  January 27, 1868.

Howard Major Genl O.O.
Com. Bureau R. F. and A. L.
War Department
Washington D.C. 


I am in receipt of your communication in relation to an appointment of Surgeon in Chief and have to say in reply that I clearly understood Genl Swayne to say that I could suit myself in that matter or I would have made no nomination.  Dr Shatz was recommended simply for the reason that he is a highly educated man, but upon enquiry I learn that Dr Gray is an excellent Bureau Officer and an accomplished clerk, so upon the whole I am not sorry that my application was not in time to be considered.

I am glad that my course in purging the Bureau meets with your approbation - and I assure you that there need be no apprehension felt as to the danger of a tendency on my part to "lean over backwards". No man shall be recommended by me to fill any position in the Bureau who can not take the "Iron Clad" oath and who has shown in any way a disposition to fraternize with those whose walk and conversation show that they are enemies to peace. So far my recommendations have been confined to Officers of the Army, and there I will confine them as much as possible, because the Office hunger of the loyal people of the State is such, that it seems to be almost irresistible.  

During the recent election for delegates to the Constitutional Convention, Bureau agents used their official influence over the Colored vote to elect themselves over old resident Union Citizens, and in their lust for office, place themselves among the propagandists of the Union Leaguers, and established, and fostered, these night meetings among the colored men instead of leaving such matters exclusively to the loyal element.  These things have produced such a state of feeling as to segregate the races to a lamentable extent, and in looking over the field, it seemed to me   


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