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State of Alabama Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Montgomery Ala.  July 25th 1868.

Howard Major General O.O.
Commissioner &c.
Washington D.C.


In compliance with the requirements of your letter of the 17th Instant, I have respectfully to state that owing to the peculiar condition of the election in February last in this state for the ratification of the new constitution of the State, and the difficulties which may in consequence be reasonably anticipated by the newly elected officers recently inaugurated, in the performance of their duties, I can hardly with justice recommend the subject of transferring to them, at present, the duties of Bureau Agents throughout the state. 

Although there is a modified and improved state of feeling among the white people towards the Freedmen and the Agents of the Bureau; yet there exists sufficient aversion to render them more or less obnoxious.  They are beside predisposed to sympathies undoubtedly with the freedmen, such prejudice would attach to the civil officers in attempting to discharge the duties of Agent of the Bureau.

To the Bureau Agents independently of the civil Officers the Freedmen naturally look for aid and counsel, & consequently their continuance would tend to maintain content. 

With the view to reduce the expenses of the Bureau I respectfully recommend at present the reduction of the nember of Sub Asst. Comms from 15 to 10 and the assignment of as many Army Officers as may be found suitable and practicable and the reduction of the number of Agents from 30 to 15, and employ those that live at the localities needing Agents, as they could be employed at lower salaries and with but little expense for officers &c., and the reduction of the number of Clerks from 16 to 12, requiring as far as possible that Officers do their clerical work of their Offices.  It is believed that, this could be done at once, and the interests of the Freedpeople not too seriously suffer thereby.  Should disturbances occur in certain localities agents would be sent there at once. 

It is believed that after this years crop shall be gathered and sold, and after the new Judges and Magistrates shall have established a reputation for justice and have secured aid by Legislative enactments in relation to Contracts, the absolute necessity of the continuance of the Bureau Agents will 


cease.  This will not be before the next General election in November. 

In view of all the varied interests that are peculiar to the Freedmen and the continued and persistent idea of the white people of the state that their interests can never be a common one with them. It seems to me that the best method for a gradual change into the hands of the civil authorities is by a gradual withdrawal of the Bureau, which will compell the freedpeople to go to the civil officers for assistance and counsel as others do, - by a gradual withdrawal I mean to withdraw the Agents whereever it can most considerately be done until until there shall be but a few remain and they especially instructed to refer all matters as far as practicable to and bring them carefully before the civil court.  The Officers being filled with loyal men will make this quite practicable in the interest of the colored people and to a great degree satisfactory.  This seems to me the only way to continue their interests firmly and securely in charge of the Bureau as long as it shall choose to exercise it in promoting their welfare. 

The State Board of Education have signified their desire to cooperate with the Bureau in promoting the educational interests of the colored people and from this pleasant assurance much is effected. 

The Claim Division of the Bureau cannot well be taken from the charge of the Bureau without loss to the colored people, I think it should be continued as now until all Bounties that are allowed are paid. 

Early instructions from the Commissioner and respectfully requested.

Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
O.L. Shepherd
Col 15th Infty. & Bvt. Brig Genl. U.S.A.
Asst. Commissioner