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State of Alabama Bureau R.F. and A.L. 
Montgomery Ala  Augt 27th 68

Wilson Mr. R.A.
Sub Asst. Commissioner
Demopolis Ala


I am directed by the Asst Commissioner to state in answer to your communication in regard to the arrests of Jefferson Proctor and Zachariah Williams, that the utmost discretion is necessary in taking any steps in regard to the arrest of parties.  Agents of the Bureau are not empowered to make arrests &c, his duties in matters of this kind must be to advice the injured how to secure the arrest of their oppressors, but it must be understood in making these arrests the Agents have no power to act as constables, or seize persons or property except by process of law.

In the case of Williams you direct Mr. Stelzig to cause his arrest, yet your order states that he is supposed to be concealed in the State of Mississippi.  Now the only means of bringing this man to this State, would be through the requisition of the Governor of this State, upon the Governor of the State of Mississippi, and your duties only extend to advising the injured parties how to proceed in order to secure his arrest.

By reference to Sec 4, of the Civil Rights Bill you will see that the powers of the officers and agents of the Bureau only extend "to institute proceedings against all and every person who shall violate &c" and by reference to Sec 14 of "An Act to establish a Bureau &c" dated July 10th 1866, you see that these powers are very limited.

In the case of Proctor, Mr. Stelzig is directed to secure his arrest and confinement.  Now if this can be effected by any civil officers it is very desirable, but Mr. Stelzig is not empowered to make the arrest himself.

It will be advisable in cases of this character before you take any steps, that will cause expense, that you report the circumstances here, and await further instructions, which will be given promptly.

The activity and desire to procure the arrest of these parties is cordially approved, but in the present limited powers of the Bureau, every care must be taken not to exceed its powers.

You will submit to Mr Stelzig the purport of


this letter, or a copy thereof, and direct that he govern himself accordingly

Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
G K Sanderson
Captain 33rd Infantry
A.A.A. General.

State of Alabama Bureau R.F. and A.L. 
Montgomery Ala  Aug 28th 1868

Howard Major General O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of the Discharges of the following named colored soldiers, their claims having been disallowed by the Second Auditor.

Eli Carter late Prvt. Co. I. 137th U.S.C.T.
Ira Holland late Corpl Co. H. 137th U.S.C.T.
Humphrey Nixon late Prvt. Co. H. 137th U.S.C.T.
Daniel Nickson late Prvt. Co. H. 137th U.S.C.T.
Samuel Nickson late Prvt. Co. H. 137th U.S.C.T.
Daniel Stone late Prvt. Co. H. 137th U.S.C.T.
Garry Thompson late Corpl. Co. I. 137th U.S.C.T.
Winston Wood  late 1st Sergt. Co. H. 137th U.S.C.T.

These papers were returned by letter No 1640 from William P. Drew, Agent in charge of Claim Division.

Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Edwin Beecher
Bvt Lieut Col. U.S.V.
Asst Commissioner

Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
G K Sanderson
Captain 33rd Infantry
A.A.A. General.