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Amount Brt Forward $135650.25

Medical Department 63978.05
Quarters and Fuel 37271.31
Stationery and Printing 5306.57
Transportation 53727.72
Telegraphing and Postage 4087.22
Expenses of taking charge of Blockade runners &c. 3080.73
Clothing for distribution 2103.45
Rent of farms for Hospitals and Colonies 6084.00
School Buildings, including rent, repairs & construction 73623.57
Salaries of School Teachers 34886.56
Transportation of School Teachers 1307.48
School Books 71.87
Transportation of Books. 12.31
Taxes on salaries 444.95
Amount borrowed returned 5000.00
Superintendent of Schools 3550.82
Commissary Stores 151895.11
Miscellaneous purposes 5033.45
Turned over to Chf D.O. at Washington 46658.60
Amount refunded for property improperly sold 1439.40

Total $645213.42

Our expenses thus appears to amount to $645213.42 But when we deduct the amounts refunded us improper sales, and amounts transferred to Cheif D.O. (viz $53098.00) it leaves us the real amount of expenditures $592115.42.

Of this amount $151895.11 was paid for the purchase of provisions for distribution to the poor of both races, $2103.45 for clothing; and for the item for transportation over two thirds or $42485.14 was for transporting provisions bought by us. This $196483.70 or nearly one third of all our expenses have been for clothing and feeding the destitute

The following is an exhibit of the Schools for the last Quarter 1868


State Superintendents Quarterly School Report for the quarter ending December 31st 1868

[[28 columned table]]

| No. of Day Schools | No. of Night Schools | Month of 1868 | No. of Schools sustained by Freedmen | No. of Schools sustained in part by Freedmen | No. of Teachers transported by Bureau | No. of School Buildings owned by Freedmen | No. of School Buildings furnished by Bureau | Teachers Whole Number | Teachers White | Teachers Colored | No. Pupils enrolled both Day & Night Schools Male | No. Pupils enrolled both Day & Night Schools Female | Average Attendance | No. Pupils paying tuition | No. always present | No. always punctual | No. over 16 years of age | No. in Alphabet | No. Spell & read easy lesson | No. advanced readers | No. Geography | No. Arithmetic | No. Higher branches | No. Writing | No. Sabbath Schools | No. Pupils in Sabbath Schools | No. Free before the War |

| 27 | 4 | October | 8 | 17 | 11 | 1 | 18 | 43 | 36 | 7 | 991 | 969 | 570 | 710 | 1390 | 254 | 318 | 284 | 787 | 777 | 503 | 935 | 75 | 730 | 109 | 2103 | 25 |

| 33 | 2 | November | 4 | 25 | 12 | 1 | 28 | 61 | 50 | 11 | 1300 | 1581 | 2209 | 680 | 1873 | 1578 | 491 | 390 | 981 | 1180 | 1033 | 1317 | 362 | 864 | 77 | 2481 | 32 |

| 33 | 1 | December | 3 | 18 | 6 | 1 | 29 | 61 | 49 | 12 | 1614 | 1716 | 2682 | 694 | 2146 | 1987 | 679 | 738 | 1403 | 1314 | 1043 | 1318 | 177 | 1444 | 119 | 2689 | 58 |
[[/28 columned table]]

Whole amount of tuition paid by freedmen during the quarter $1213.25

Whole amount of expenses for the above schools by the Bureau for the quarter 1023.50

Grand total of expenses for the quarter for support of above schools by all parties. $2236.75