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The receipts since September 20. 1868 have been from the following sources

[[3 columned table]]
| From Gen Balloch Chf D.O. | $38.600.00 |   |
| From Sale of damaged Commissary Stores | 787.46 |   |
| From Sale of other property and other sources | 4505.79 | $43.893.25 |
Table showing on what account payments have been made from September 30. 1868 to June 30. 1869
[[2 columned table]]
| Assistant and Sub Assistant Commissioners | $3026.22 |
| Clerks | 11402.87 |
| Printing &c. | 227.80 |
| Quarters and Fuel | 2783.15 |
| Clothing | 313.00 |
| Medical Department | 2446.69 |
| Transportation | 2512.10 |
| Supt and Asst Supts Schools | 1520.45 |
| School Houses including rent repairs and construction | 28521.59 |
| Postage | 457.95 |
| Miscellaneous | 73.88 |
| Total | $53585.68 |

In addition to the payments contained in these tables there have been forwarded from this Office for payment to Bvt Brig Genl Balloch Chief D.O. vouchers which accrued prior to June 30. 1869 amounting to $6075.38. This will more fully appear in the report of payments made by General Balloch.
An order was received revoking the appointments of all civilian appointees in this State, to take effect January 1st 1869, except the following. J.B. Healy and H.M. Bushe who were retained as Asst Superintendents of Education. J.H. Wager Agent for payment of bounty &c and W.J. Anderson and Charles Jackson. Clerks. Subsequently an order was received by me relieving all from duty in this State except Mr Wager who was retained for the duties as before and Mr Anderson who is retained as Clerk in my office. Mr C.A. Woodward has been also appointed an Agent for the payment of bounties &c at Mobile.
As neither Mr. Wager nor Mr Woodward report


to me, but direct to the Chief D.O. I am without any information as to the extent or nature of their operations. I would however say that Mr Wager though retained specially for the collection and payment of Bounties &c. takes a great interest in the educational cause, and has very materially assisted me in the portion of the State where he is located.
My time is now given exclusively to schools. Already I have visited a number of counties since the receipt of Circular No 6 dated May 7 1869 and should go into others as fast as practicable. I have found appearances much better in the Counties where I have been than I expected, and confidently believe that by the opening of the next school year. October 1st, we shall be in a much better condition than ever before. We find difficulty in some places, since our Agencies have been abolised in the Sub Districts, in procuring early and reliable reports. I am compelled to rely on County Superintendents chiefly, and in some instances they do not take the interest they ought to. When this is the case, I endeavor to enlist the interest and services of others on whom I can rely. On the whole I think the prospect for future good is flattering.
I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Edwin Beecher
Superintendent Education
State of Alabama

State of Alabama
Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery Ala July 13 1869

Alvord Rev J. W.
Gen Supt Schools
Washington D.C.

In answer to your letter of June 25. 1869 requesting a report be forwarded to June 30 1869 instead of October 1st 1869, I have the honor to submit the following.
In forwarding our papers to Washington on the closing of the general business of our office December 31 1868 some of our reports from teachers were inadvertently included with other papers. These included the reports for July and