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Extracts from the Newspapers of Mobile.

MAYOR'S COURT - Monday - July 31, 1865. -

[[?]]setting of stres ought to be put a stop today [[?]] whether it is done to burn up a so-called nigger [[son?]] or a "nigger" place of debauchery. This now is apparent; that it became that two saw [[?]]," and the sooner the thing is apparent, the better. Does not
[[?]] [[?]] [[region?]] of Mobile agree with [[?]]? Think of it as moments [[?]] and down [[?]]save

Jos. Peter was charged with retailing spirituous liquors. There being no evidence the case was dismissed. 

Hugh McKeever was complained off by a negro wench for knocking her over. The Mayor decided that under the proclamation of Governor Parsons, restoring the civil law as it existed on the 11th day of January, 1861, the evidence of a negro could not be taken in court against a white person. Case dismissed. 

Cath. Curry, disorderly conduct, $25 or 25 days.

Louis J. Mc., larceny, 90 days in the workhouse.

Jim, f.m.c., violating cab ordinance, $10 or 10 days.

Dennis, f.m.c., disorderly conduct, 60 days in the workhouse.

Jonas, f.m.c., assault to murder, sent up to the City Court, bond $2,000.

Anderson, f.m.c., larceny, 30 days in the workhouse.

Henry, f.m.c., disorderly conduct, 30 days in the workhouse.

Clyde, f.m.c., disorderly conduct, 30 days in the workhouse.

Richard, f.m.c., disorderly conduct, discharged.

Jane, alias Lizzie, f.w.c., larceny, 30 days in the workhouse.

Bob, f.m.c., disorderly conduct, $30 or 30 days.

James, f.b.c., vagrant, 10 days in the workhouse.

THE NEGRO IN MOBILE - The Advertiser and Register, of the 1st instant, states that his Honor, R. H. Slough, Mayor of the city, gave public notice before the court yesterday morning, that in his opinion, in accordance with the late proclamation of Governor Parsons, the testimony of a negro cannot be taken against white persons. This is a nice point for the times. Mail. Aug. 5.

Griffin, negro, was fined $10 for obstructing the streets with his cab.

John, (negro,) got his hands inserted into a cotton bale, and went to the workhouse for 30 days for the innocent amusement.

Isham, (negro,) took a cool bed in the ice house, and was sent to the workhouse for 30 days as a vagrant.

Frank (negro) inveigled three "ducks" into the corner of a fence and took possession of the unsuspecting victims, for which he got 30 days in the workhouse for each duck.

Sabey (negro) kept a shop without license and paid $20. Mayors Courts Aug.

Two men, for whisky too much, paid 5$ each.

A stranger came to the city, got on a frolic and did some funny things. He was arrested by the police, but being a good sort of fellow and making such fair promises was let off.

Two negroes were taken up for vagrancy, and not being able to give a good account of themselves, were sent to the workhouse for 30 days.
Aug. 2d

Nat, Daniel, Dick, Rosana, Mary, negroes, for permitting their premises to become offensive, were fined $5 each. 

Jack and Richmond, negroes, were arrested for stealing cotton from the wharf - Jack goes to work-house for sixty days, and Richmond held for further examination.

Ben, negro, for larceny of cakes, eggs, etc., from the City Hotel, goes to the workhouse for ninety days.

Mitchell, for committing a nuisance in the Dauphin street market, and for resisting the officer making the arrest, was given sixty
days in the work-house to learn better manners.

Robert, negro, charged with robbery and suspicion of murder, was sent to the City Court under a bond of $2000.

Henry and Nelson, negro vagrants, were sent down for thirty days each. July 2d

Freed Men. - Two negroes, one a boy of 14, the other considerably older, were found sleeping out on a cotton bale and in a do way and neither had papers. The boy have just arrived in town, the man has been for some time and compliments his eating and sleeping accommodations very highly. But all to no purpose, they were sent to the work house for 30 days. Mayor's Court Aug. 2d

MAYOR'S COURT - Thursday, Aug. 3. - Before His Honor, Hon. R. H. Slough.

Jno. Read, failing to repair sidewalk, $20 or twenty days.

Jerry Obrient, nuisance, $5 or five days.

Jos. Laggo, nuisance, $5 or five days.

Bridget Millons, nuisance, $5 or five days.

[[?-it]], f.m.c., disorderly conduct, $30 or thirty days.

Scotch, f.m.c., vagrant, thirty days in the Workhouse.

Solomon, f.m.c., having concealed weapons and disorderly conduct, sixty days in the Workhouse.

Negro soldier, larceny from a fire, transferred to the Provost Marshal.

Mobile Items.
NEGRO EVIDENCE IN MOBILE. - We learn from the Tribune of the 4th, that Mayor SLOUGH persists in his determination not to admit negro evidence against white persons. In one case six negroes were brought in as witnesses, and he refused to allow them upon the witness stand.

We learn from the same paper that a fire broke out on the 4th, in a frame building, corner Spring Hill road and Wilkinson street, which destroyed the whole block before it was arrested. 

The cotton weighers of Mobile have raised their rates to twenty-five cents per bale.

A regiment of negro troops arrived in Mobile a few days ago. They are to be quartered at Whistler. Advertiser. Aug 6th

MAYOR'S COURT - Monday, Aug [[?]] - Before His Honor, Hon. R. H. Slough.

Mallon, furious driving, $10 or 10 days.

Murphy, drunk and disorderly, $25 or 25 days.

Anderson, drunk and disorderly, $10 or 10 days.

Mrs. Reigsby and Wade, disturbing the peace, $25 or
25 days.

Ann Story and another, disorderly conduct, $25 or 25 days.

Henry Hood, disorderly conduct $50 or 50 days.

Mr. and Mrs. H. G. McArthy, drunk and fighting, $25
or 25 days.

Julia, colored, vagrant, 30 days workhouse.

Rheuben, f.m.c., drunk and down, $10 or 10 days.

Annie, colored, assault, 30 days in workhouse and a bond of $200 to keep peace.

Johana, colored, vagrant, 30 days in workhouse.

Charles, f.m.c., vagrant, 30 days in workhouse.

George, f.m.c., disorderly conduct, $25 or 25 days.

George, f.m.c., vagrant, 30 days in workhouse.

Julius and Jordan, vagrants, 30 days in workhouse.

William, f.m.c., continued case, larceny, bond $500. to be tried by City Court.

William, f.m.c., vagrant, 30 days in workhouse.

Bob, f.m.c., vagrant, 30 days in workhouse.

Mary, colored, vagrant, 30 days in workhouse.

T.J. Nealy, complainant, failed to appear, and was fined $10 days.

Transcription Notes:
The first part is rough. Maybe someone else will have a better go at it. ^Imported a screenshot to GIMP 2.10 and used the brightness-contrast filter to see a few more words removed Archives stamp