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of this Bureau, having been shot, stabbed or otherwise severely injured.

These things provoke a wide spread and rightful indignation. Some Counties where there are no United States troops, from this cause are acquiring a notoriety which bids fair to injure them, in respect to Amnesty and representation for a long time to come. Congress will inquire into the condition of each District from which a representative is sent.

For these reasons as well as for those which pertain to natural rights, and the fact that ruffianism is infectious it is hoped you will with untiring effort stimulate the good people of your vicinity to give to civil justice its fullest and most equitable operation, without distinction of color.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servant
(Signed) Wager Swayne
Brig. General
and Asst Commissioner


Executive Department
State of Alabama
Montgomery Ala. Sept. 11th 1865

The foregoing request by Brig. Gen. Swayne is designed to correct statements believed to be unfounded and calculated to injure the interest of the people of Alabama. I therefore call on all Officers of the Provisional Government of this State to whom he may send it to give him the information he desires.

signed Lewis E. Parsons
Prov. Gov. of Alabama

Official C Cadle Jr
A A Gen.

Hon. Robert Dougherty
Judge 9th Judicial Circuit