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[[par]]ticularly those in charge at present of the several stations, and whose names were given in the sketch or organization, have laid me under many obligations for intelligent and faithful service.

Two cases have occurred of shameful violation of all law and honor.

The staff departments are and have been in charge of gentlemen to whom I am very much indebted for invaluable service, and for relations of marked cordiality, both which have been without exception.  The following is an exhibit of successive changes in the several departments, from the first, and in the order of announcement.

Maj. CHAS. A. MILLER, 2d Me. Cav...............G.O.1, July 26, 1865.
Bvt. Col. C.CADLE, Jr., Maj.& A.A.G., U.S.V., G.O.11., Aug. 30, '65.
Capt. M.C. WILKINSON, V.R.C....................G.O.1, Jan. 14, 1866.
Bvt. Maj. O.D. KINSMAN, Capt. & A.A.G., U.S.V., G.O.5, April 7, '66.
1ST Lieut. J.F. CONYNGHAM, 15th U.S. Inft.....G.O.3, Sept. 3d, 1866.

Maj. B. W. NORRIS, Add. Paymaster, U.S.A.... G. O. 6, Aug. 4, 1865.
Bvt. Lieut. Col. ED. WRIGHT, Paym'r, U.S.A....G.O. 15, Sept. 27, '65.
Bvt. Lt. Col EDWIN BEECHER, Add. Paymaster U.S.A.....G.O. 3, Feb. 1, 1866.

Bvt. Lt. Col. CHAS. J. KIPP, Surg. U.S.V.....G.O. 13, Sept. 8, 1865.

Capt. W. C. ARTHUR, C.S., U.S.V. ......G.O. 7, April 16, 1866.

Capt. THOS. J. KERR, A.Q.M.....G.O. 16,  Sept 28, 1865.
1st Lt. J. F. MCGOGY, assigned S.O. 452, XIV, Aug. 22, '65, W. D., A.G.O. 
1st Lieut. GEO. F. BROWNING, 1st V.R.C. ....G.O. 1, II, Jan. 14, '66.

Rev. C. W. Buckley, late Chapl'n 47th "U.S.C.T.S.O. 25 Oct. 14, 1865.

2d Lieut. O. F. GLIDDEN, 2d Me. Cav.......G.O. 2, July 28, 1865.
Hon. M. H. Cruikshank, the State Commissioner, has added to the courtesy of our relations great practical efficiency in his department. 
The Rev. Dr. H. N. McTyeire, who, with distinguished manliness, was always openly in favor of all schools for colored people, has helped us largely through the church of which he is now Bishop. 
The employment of the Bureau in this District to mould existing institutions which are permanent, rather than to displace such by a temporary antagonism of military power, is due to its original reception in a spirit of good will. Hon. Lewis E. Parsons, the Provisional Governor, was from first to last, sincerely desirous for its usefulness, and its warm supporter in all measures of humanity. The present Governor, Hon. R. M. Patton, his successor, has not varied from this course. No difficulty has occurred with either too decided for solution by strong friendship, and the records of the Legislature and Convention show that good results of this relation are not wanting. 
A growing kindliness between the races, an increasing fairness in application of the laws, prospective changes of most useful tendency, and other indications of a hopeful future, may be attributed in part to the same cause. 
So much for what is past, and present. Of the future is required for both Refugees and Freedmen the utmost opportunity attainable for labor, and that legislation be no longer adverse to the poor. A system of State care for paupers, not confined to simple distribution of coarse food, and which can rigidly exclude whoever is not actually helpless; schools for both white and black in regular abundance; and secure and quick re-payment for their service rendered; these are the needs they have in common. Their other needs are different. For freedmen, work is pletny and of such as they are used to, with ample compensation. With Refugees, as whites are called whom war has lef in destitution, the case is sadly otherwise. "Remote, unfriended, melancholy, slow," the widow and the fatherless, the aged and infirm, are scattered through the "piney-woods," almost beyond the reach of work, or schools, or help. They cling to their old homes, alike unwilling and unfit for the climate and the toil of great planting districts; and are in utter, hopeless desolation.