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The problem of their wants so far has met with no solution save the possible development of manufactures. To bring them into small communities, subject them to the influence of emulation and of schools, and to afford light labor fitted for their strength – these are the wants to be supplied. Minerals of every kind and wood and water-power are abundant where they live, and to my mind no charity has half so rich a promise.

The freedman's wants have a more public nature. A lien upon the product of his labor for its dues, a fair apportionment of schools and other opportunities, and above all, a stern accountability which he can soon enforce on those who shall abuse their office in the Law, or shall ignore it – and for further benefit he may be left to cultivate the influence which comes from private life efficiently conducted. But these are part and parcel of that hold upon the laws which they have who help make them. To give them this, as amply fit as many of them are, and many more becoming so, is duty, and humanity, and interest.

To omit this reference were to omit so far my duty, to express with plainness the relation of passing events to the objects of our care. And I may add, Session had its origin and life in Slavery; when Liberty is made complete, we shall have ground for faith in a perpetual Union.

I am, General, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Maj. Gen'l and Ass't Com'r.