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and employees. To discharge these was to destroy our tools at planting time. and when at Mobile I found it unavoidable, I sent Major Norris to New Orleans to procure funds sufficient to retain them.

At Mobile I waited on General Woods, who assured me of his co-operation. and also that he would abrogate the Stand Code in General Orders. 

I saw also Professor Silsby, of the Northwestern Freedmen Aid Association, who has nine teachers working under him in Mobile with the best results. Mr. Hormount the Local Superintendent told me that the Post Commandant. General T. K. Smith was polite & obliging, if not earnest.

The Freedmen of Mobile are deserving of all praise. They give zealous support to schools & churches and have an association to provide work for the unemployed. But the most shameless extortion and outrage is daily practised on them for nominal violation of City Ordinances by the Mayor and Recorder of the City. I urged the matter upon General Woods and Smith and directed Mr Harmount to nominate a Suitable Officer and apply for jurisdiction under Section VII of Circular 12. I also saw a Mobile. Mr Dexter. The Treasury Agent, who advised me that he had no property or funds which were the subject of orders touching this Bureau. To complete the record, however, I shall make formal requisition upon him.

At Montgomery, I saw the Local Superintendent and put myself in communication with the Superintendent at Selma and Demopolis. I also waited upon Major General A. J. Smith Commanding District and was assured of his readiness to oblige me.

I also paid my respects to the Governor.  His Office was thronged, but he received me very cordially, and assured me of his cooperation.  I left with him copies of Circular No: V [[strikethrough]] VII [[/strikethrough]], as giving the scope and authority of the work. In his proclamation, he declares the slave code abrogated.

Professor Silsby of whom I have the highest opinion came with me from Mobile. He has five more teachers on the way, and I think we have a building secured for them.

I have telegraphed you from Montgomery for the appropriation of two properties in Montgomery both in the hands of the Government. We have begun the season of