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Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen 
and Abandoned Lands 
Montgomery, Ala, July 31st 1865

Maj Gen O.O. Howard, 
Commissioner of
Washington, D.C.

I wrote you on Monday last, some account of my journey, of affairs at Mobile, and my arrival here.

On Tuesday rooms were assigned us by the Post Quarter Master, and on Wednesday moved in. The same day I secured the services of Major Charles A. Miller 2nd Maine Cavalry as Acting Assistant Adjutant General and afterwards of 2nd Lieut O.F. Glidden as Aide-de-Camp. I at once telegraphed the superintendents of Sub. District directing them to communicate with me by letter and to forward their August reports (due 1st prox / promptly, with roster and full details. I shall have most of these by Monday next.
On Wednesday I was present at an appointed interview between the Governor and General Woods. The latter was unfortunately quite ill. The interview turned on Freedman affairs, chiefly the Question of Jurisdiction. The Governor earnestly requested time to determine his own course, to which I felt bound to assist. He doubted his power to  vary the laws beyond the new Slave Code. On this point he asked me to write out an opinion I had expressed. I transmit a copy herewith. He has intimated to me that I shall have his answer tomorrow. I shall telegraph the result. Meanwhile I addressed to him a formal communication respecting the conduct of the