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County, with request that the same be set apart according to law. These are colored men in Mobile anxious to buy land. I found at Greenville a ware house built by the rebel government, obtained possession, and rented it to the Treasury Department. I am tracing up other lands and buildings. On Wednesday, Capt Brown returned from Greenville, and reported much need for an agency in that place. he has since been permanently stationed there.

On Thursday appeared the number of the Advertiser which is enclosed. The publication of Mr. Buckley's report is highly injurious to his personal relations and to his official usefulness. I doubt not you could properly deal with the party in fault.

On Friday, Major Norris returned from New Orleans. He was obliged to have them before your answer was received. He is since advised that the funds are on the way.

A telegram indicates that I am to lose Maj. Norris. If this is irrevocable I lose [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] colored friend and the service a good officer. I have requested that I not be left without a bonded officer in any case. As I telegraphed  and wrote you, I delayed assuming jurisdiction at the earnest request of the Governor to which I felt bound by your instructions to accede. I urged upon him with painful anxiety and by every consideration I could respectfully present, to commend his own officers to receive the testimony. Friday evening he gave me a negative answer, based on alleged grounds of political expediency. That night I issued the enclosed order. It is the 

it is be best I know. I hope you will approve it. I need some troops. The Second Maine Cavalry, Col E.W.[[Woodman?]] has two hundred and fifty mounted men here and six hundred dismounted men at Barrancas, Florida. This s a good proportion and I respectfully request that the regiment be ordered to report to me. I am told the Colonel, who is known to you, would be a good man to put in charge of Mobile, where the Major will not accept jurisdiction under this Bureau, and where the affairs of the Bureau require tact and firmness. The detail must come from Washington as the detachments are in different Department.

Mr. Conway has kindly forwarded to me by him a large number of blank contracts and copies of the President's Emancipation Proclamation.

I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.

Brig Gen. & Asst. Comr.

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Montgomery, Ala. August 1st 1866

Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard
Commissioner &c
Washington, D.C.
On Wednesday last I sent you my usual weekly report from Mobile and writing from there, was obliged to make it very brief.

When I first entered the State I wrote you that extortion and outrage were daily practiced