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[[left margin]] In Montgomery [[/left margin]] 
the same and put in my hands such as I require. Some frame buildings notoriously built by the rebel Government I shall feel at liberty to rent, which will be another step towards a revenue.
[[left margin]] In Greenville [[/left margin]] 
I have descriptions of some property in Greenville, in the same situation. 
[[left margin]] the State Distributed [[/left margin]] 
I have also divided the part of the State under my jurisdiction into five districts arranged with a view to convenience of access and with Headquarters respectively at Mobile, Montgomery, Selma, Demopolis and Troy (Pike county and  are in hopes by next week to have ensured a good field officer for four of them. The local officer here I shall put in command of this district though he is a Chaplain. He can  do part of his business in my name.
I have been cramped so far, by a want officers thinking it best to select carefully. I hope Major Cadle and Surgeon Kipp will soon arrive. If I get the Second Maine Cavalry I will be able not only to greatly promote justice to Freedmen but [left margin]] Extension of the field [[left margin]] I will be relieved from great confusion caused by the shifting of troops and gassions. The troops in this State are being rapidly diffused and I hope that every part of the State will soon be reached either by civil or military authority. The Bureau will keep pace with their extension. I omitted to state  in my [[left margin]] Major Norris [[left margin]] 
last report that the order mustering out Major Norris arrived and was delivered to that officer on the 16th He will remain in this State. I miss him and shall welcome his successor.

In the absence of a Medical Director I have received material assistance during  the past week from Dr F. Sallis Medical Direc 

15 tor of the Department. Hitherto we have had no Surgeons at all, or such as were of no possible use elsewhere.  Hospital supplies were in the same footing.  Dr. Sallis has contracted with an excellent regimental Surgeon, of our own choice, lately mustered out, and detailed him for duty here.  He has also made one or two other valuable details, and has turned over to us a large hospital here with appliances complete. In Mobile he has also given us material aid.  At Demopolis I leave that for a want of proper details, heavy expenses by private contract have been incurred.  I hope to remedy this during the week.
[[left margin]] Testimony of colored people [[left margin]]
As fast as the Mails permit the acceptances of judicial officers and magistrates are coming in under the orders appointing these agents of this Bureau for the administration of justice. Negos testimony may now be said to be received in all the courts of this State. I trust it will never been again excluded.  For the more rapid and economical remedying of complaints I have directed each Superintendent to select a Justice of the Peace in whom he has confidence and have him take an office near the Agency, where when a case of fraud or violence comes up, the guilty parties can at once be summoned and an effectual remedy applied.  This position is eagerly sought by the Justices here, whence I presume it will be faithfully administered and that the same will be the case elsewhere.
[[left margin]] Marriage under the Code [[left margin]]
In regards of marriages, which under the old Code were not lawful, in a case referred to me by a Probate Judge last week, I directed that where a license was applied for, and one of the parties to