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the contemplated marriage has lived in the family relation with, or been formally though not lawfully married to, an other party, still living. license should be refused unless the conduct of the last named party had been such as to entitle the party sending the license to complete divorce. I saw no other way to prevent innumerable cases of desertion and hardship. Two other cases of internal administration have arisen. An officer notifies me that his Father is in declining health, and that he must shortly ask to go and see him. In the absence of instructions otherwise I should refer such an application to you, when formally presented. In cases of emergency can this be done by telegraph?

[[left margin]] Commutation of quarters [[/left margin]] 
2. No commutation of quarters is paid in this State. Yet the duty done here is in no sense field duty, and practically every officer furnishes his own, often a severe expense to those of minor grades particularly to a Chaplain. As to this class of officers I should be glad of a change in this respect.
I have made out the substance of a system of labor regulations which I shall at once put in shape and publish. The principal points are - 1st The laborer will be furnished with good and sufficient food for himself and his family and proper compensation in money, recoverable before any Justice of the Peace and for which he will have a lien upon the crop and damages in case he is compelled to leave by bad treatment. 
2nd If he leaves without good cause for longer than a specified time he shall incur reasonable forfeiture to the employer, and if he 


leave permanently, shall in addition suffer a fine, which if he cannot pay he shall work out under the supervision of the Bureau. I will send you the complete regulations when prepared. I have given you a review of the internal administration of the week past. Two matters remain of general and immediate importance.
I Numerous reports of violence and murder come to me from certain parts of the State principally from the counties of Clark, Choctaw, and Washington, on the Mississippi line where there seems to be no form of law whatever. I some time since asked Gen Woods to send a force there. I have no force to send myself and without force an agent would be more than useless. To-day a new batch comes up, and I at once make this a matter of special effort and report.
II Wide spread destitution is beginning to privail in this State and will increase until spring. For the colored people I have no great apprehensions as most of they can be kept on the plantations where they now are, and will at least be fed. Yet even as to these I must be more thoroughly informed before my mind will be at rest.
But as to the whites, among whom by reason of the war, the per-centage of infirm and unprovided for is much greater the Governor is preparing a detailed statement which I shall forward to you, and which will at once raise the question whether the Government intends to supply the Alabama poor this winter. I present it now for your early information. Already the whites draw more rations than the blacks (colonies and all).