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that Department to us. We will do the best we can without it. While in Washington I procured from Gen Miegs, a sort of letter of credit, which perhaps I can still use.
[[left margin]] Demand for labor Colonies [[/left margin]]
The demand for labor is still apparently increasing and I trust that by the close of the year the free people will become entirely self supporting. It will be necessary for some time to maintain "Colonies" of which we have already several. But my design is to use these chiefly as places of transit where those out of employment and vagrants can be kept and to allow no able bodied persons to remain there after work is found for them. While they are there they must work on the crops.
A good many infirm and crippled had accumulated before I came here, and some others will have to be received. These I propose to keep at the colonies and hope to make the labor of the able-bodied in transit support them also. I have a further hope if it meets your approval, and events afford a probability of permanence and success, of converting them into something like industrial schools.
[[left margin]] Subsistence [[/left margin]]
I hoped to send you in this a special report on the question of subsistence which has increasing magnitude. But the Military Department being confused by constant changes and the Executive Department over-crowded, I have not been able either to learn what I ought to know or to effect what I desired to do. Some changes for the better have been made.
[[left margin]] Confiscable property [[/left margin]]
The absence of the U.S. District Attorney for a week past has prevented action in securing confisable property. He is expected back today and several matters are prepared for his arrival.
[[left margin]] Medical Director [[/left margin]]
I look anxiously for the arrival of a Medical Director. In this connection I remark that I have tried in vain to find a copy of an order issued I think in 1863, and perhaps at Vicksburg by Adjt


Gen'l Thomas (by order of the Secretary of War) that clothing accumulating in hospitals be turned over to officers in charge of Freedmen. Several officers here remember the order, among them the Medical Director, who is kindly holding a large amount of second hand clothing till I can procure a copy. If that order could be published it would be useful to me and perhaps to other Assistant Commissioners.
I am, General,
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
Brig Gen and Asst Commissioner

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery Ala, Sept 11th 1865

Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard
Commissioner &c
Washington, D.C.

[[left margin]] Last week's report [[/left margin]]
I forwarded to you on Monday last my usual weekly report, by Mail.
[[left margin]] Medical Director [[/left margin]]
During the week past we have been rejoiced by the arrival of Surgeon Chas. L. Kipp, Medical Director. He wants to work energetically at once, and his labors will result in immediate benefit to the Freedmen and economy to the Government.
[[left margin]] Disbursing Officer [[/left margin]]
I have also received the order detailing Lt Col Wright, as Property and Disbursing officer, and a dispatch from you stating that he was on his way. Other dispatches from your office state that the funds of the Bureau cannot be applied to school buildings, and that my application for the Second Maine Cavalry had been referred to Gen Grant.
In last week's report I omitted to say to you