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as yet no U. S. Dist. Atty. we shall meet with the same construction, and I thought it might to be authoritatively set aside.  As soon as Col Wright arrives, I shall sent him to [[?]], and I have other work of the same sort cut out for him.

I have this morning a gratifying instance of preparation for next year.  A company of ex-[[left margin]] General McArthur [[/left margin]] officers with General McArthur at their head have rented 6,000 acres of land near Selma.  They mill 3,300 acres in cotton, and are seeking to enlarge their operations. I found Gen. McCarthur always a nice and practical friend to the Bureau, and I am much pleased with [[left margin]] Citizen Agents [[/ left margin]] what I learn of his arrangements, among other things he will have a school on each plantation. 

* I have some negotiations on foot with Members of the Convention for the selection of Citizan agents to be re-imbursed by the citizens as you suggest.

* A prominent planter of this County notified me this week that as suggested in my Circular he has contracted with his employees to open a school, he to furnish materials they to put up a house and pay a teacher.  One had been found willing to take his pay in provisions.  I promised to get them some school books.  Can you send me some for such cases?  

[[left margin]] Statistical Information [[/left margin]] 
I am still pained by the want of proper statistical information, which I am making every effort to procure.  We shall however forward our monthly report promptly. 

The issue of rations to freedmen in the part of the State under my charge is reported.
Colony near Montgomery 2,100
Colony near Selma .459
At Mobile .175
At Talladega   .190

And to Refugees in the same District
At Montgomery      640
" Greenville   49
" Mobile

The Colony near Montgomery embraces those who gathered in from a number of Counties. In June its population was 3,400, which in spite of constant receptions is being rapidly [[nuanced?]] and I think we can in this month find places for all except very large families and the infirma.

[[left margin]] Remarks on issue [[/left margin]]     

I have not yet issued to any persons who were in possession of land on which to make a crop. Some really meritorious and capable freedmen have rented land and we have agreed to help them through the winter. Some cases are arising of people with numbers of freedmen on their places, between whom and them-selves there is a mutual attachment but who are out of food and who can get no money. I shall help these where it is necessary to prevent families not likely to be self-supporting from being thrown on the charity of the Government. 

I am, General,

Very Respectfully

Your Obedient Servant

Brig Gen and Asst Commissioner

Officer Assistant Commissioner 
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen 
and Abandoned Lands 
Montgomery. Ala. Sept 25. 1865

Maj. Gen. O.V. Howard
Commissioner &c
Washington, D.C.