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Office Asst Comsr
Bu R. F & A. L. 
Mont M'ch 7. 1866

Respectfully referred to Comdg officer 58 Ill Vols for his information. 
C. Cadle Jr. 
A. A. G. 
The Asst Comsr being absent. 

[[left margin]] See E&M No 85 page 61 [[/left margin]]

75 B. R. F and A. L. 1866
Endorsement on application of H.W. McVay, Florence Ala. Feby 25. 1866, for position of Surgeon in Freedmens Bureau of Florence, Ala. 

Respectfully referred by Gen L Fiske to Genl Swayne, M'ch 3d 1866

Office Asst Coms'r
Bu R. F & A. L. 
Mont. March 7. 1866

Respectfully referred to Surg Chas J. Kipp, Surg in Chief B. R. F 
 & A. L. for Alabama by order of Bt Maj Gen Wager Swayne. A. A. G.

76 B.R.F and A.L. 1866
Endorsement upon communication of G. A. Harmount. Asst Supt &c Montgomery Ala who states that a Freedman complains that the Probate Judge of Lowndes Co, Ala has apprenticed her child that she is able to support. 

Office Asst Com'r
B. R. F & A. L.
Mont M'ch 10. 1866


Respectfully referred to the county Judge of Lowndes Co. Ala with the request that he will report as to whether the statement made within is correct, and if so, his attention is called to the Act of the Legislature passed at the late session and approved February 23d 1866.  

By order of Bt Maj Gen Wager Swayne

A. A. G.

77 B.R.F & A.L. 1866

See E&M No 68. Page 52.

Office Asst Comr
B.R.F & A.L. 
Mont M'ch 10th 1866

Respectfully returned. 

Inquiry has been made of the condition of the within applicants and it is found that they are not Refugees, but that they are poor, and dependent on the Govt. to a certain extent for support.  A large number of persons in the State are in the same condition and many of them equally anxious to get north if they could obtain transportation, but after reaching there they would probably have to depend on public charity as much as now. It is recommended that transportation be not furnished.

C. Cadle Jr
Bt Col & A.A.G

[[left margin]] See E&M No 69 page 56 [[/left margin]]

78 B.R.F & A.L. 1866

Endorsement on communication of S Smith Lt & Asst Supt. Tuskegee March 2" 1866 who refers the case of the boy Allen Pitts and Mr

Transcription Notes:
Edited, completed. Edit: Too many [[?]] to mark as complete Re-edited & corrected