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76 Office Asst Comsr B.R.F. & A.L. Mont. March 31. 1866 Respectfully referred to Bt Maj Gen C.R. Woods Comdg Dept of Ala with the request that these men may be tried by the Military Commission now in session, if compatible with the interests of the service C. Cadle Jr Bt Col & A.A.G. (The Asst Coms'r being absent) 113 B.R.F. & A.L. 1866 Endorsement on comn of S.S. Gardner, Supt. Selma. March 24. 1866. who forwards his opinion in regard to the matter of remanding laborers. Office Asst Coms'r B. R. F. & A. L. Mont. March 31. 1866 Respectfully returned to Mr. S.S. Gardner, Supt B.R.F. & A.L. Selma. Ala. The within "opinion" is approved. C. Cadle Jr Bt Col. & A.A.G. 114 B.R.F. & A.L. 1866 Endorsement on communication of G.A. Harmount Asst Supt &c. March 31. 1866 who reports that justice is denied Freedmen who complain of violation of contract on the part of their employer, the employer pleading the "Stay Law" to prevent collection of wages due. And states that Justice Nettles desires authority to decide cases of such nature without reference to the "Stay Law" Office Asst Coms'r B. R. F & A. L. Mont. March 31. 1866 77 Respectfully returned to G.A. Harmount Asst Supt R.F. & A.L. Montgomery, Ala. The "Stay Law" was not made for the benefit of those parties who desire to swindle their employees out of their just dues. It is intended in its operation to prevent the sacrifice of property of debtess and to give them time in which to recover from the effects of the financial revulsion through which the people of the State have just passed. Agents of this Bureau will not allow the stay law to be pleaded in cases of claim for wages where Freedmen are interested parties. J.H. Nettles, Justice of the Peace will be upheld in the observance of this rule. C. Cadle Jr Bt Col & A. A. G. 115 B.R.F. & A.L. 1866 Endorsement on application of J.C. Brown, Sumter Co. Ala. March 11, 1866 for the return of a wagon taken from him. Referred by Genl Woods to Capt E. B. Boyd, A.Q.M. March 20. 1866 Returned by Capt Boyd with the information that the wagon was sold by Capt T. L. Kerr of the B.R.F. & A.L. - March 21, 1866 Referred by Gen Woods to Col G. D. Robinson Supt B. R. F. & A. L. March 21. 1866 Referred by Col Robinson to Gen Swayne for instructions how to dispose of this claim. March 26. 1866. Office Asst Com'r B.R.F. & A.L. Mont. April 2. 1866 Respectfully returned to Col G. D. Robinson Supt R.F. & A.L. at Mobile.
Transcription Notes:
Coms'r - Commissioner
Re-edited & corrected