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24.  District of Alabama   1866.
Endorsement on letter of Heilman, William H. 1" Lieut 15" U S Infantry, Commd'g Co. F. 32 Batt. dated Mobile, Ala. June 12, 1866, "Requests that the Descriptive List of Private Frank Gray, Co. F. 3 Batt 15th Infty be returned to the Head Quarters of his Company for correction.

Head Quarters Dept of the South
Macon Ga June 18 1866
Respectfully returned with descriptive he enclosed, which will be returned to this office after having been corrected.
By Command of Bvt Maj Gen Woodhull
A Ramsey Vininger

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery June 23d 1866
Respectfully referred to Commdg Officer Co F. 3d Batt. 15th U S Infty
By Command of
Maj Gen Wager Swayne
O D Kinsman
Bvt Major and A A G.

25   District of Alabama   1866
Endorsement on letter of A Judson Gray, A.A. Surg U S A, Mobile Ala May 25, 1866, Requests to be informed if there are vacancies in the Medical staff of the U S Colored Troops now in service, and if he could on application receive a reappointment in that corps.

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala June 23d
Respectfully Transmitted
By order of
Maj. Gen. Wager Swayne
(Signed) O. D. Kinsman
Bvt. Major and A. A. General


26   District of Alabama  1866
Endorsement on letter of D M Searles "Requests assistance to start a colored school in Clayton Alabama."

Headquarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery June 23 1866
Respectfully referred to C. W. Buckley, Supt of Education
By order of
Maj. Gen Wager Swayne
Signed - O. D. Kinsman
Brevet Major & A A Genl.

27   District of Alabama.  1866
Endorsement on Papers of Certain Members of the M E Church [[strikethrough]] South [[/strikethrough]] in Huntsville, Ala.

Office B R F & A L
Huntsville Ala June 13 1866

Respectfully forwarded to Maj Gen Swayne for his official action, with information that it is my opinion that gross injustice has been done these colored people in this matter and I think the unjust action was prompted by a hatred toward the freedmen, and a desire to supplant the Northern people in their laudable efforts to elevate the freedmen by a proper course of education and moral instruction.  I sincerely hope the building may be restored to them for church and School purposes.

I am personally acquainted with the parties whose names are signed to the within papers, and know they are just what they represent themselves to be.

I have the honor to be Your Obedt Servant
John B Callis  Bvt Col U S V Supt R F & A L
Montgomery June 23d 1866.

Respectfully returned to Bvt Col. J. B Callis who will place the colored congregation represented by Howard Echells and others in possession of the church, and see

Transcription Notes:
Edited & corrected - Bvt. Maj. Gen. Woodhull completed from prior pages