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118 [[Left margin]] Hd. Qrs Dist of Alabama 425 [[Left margin]] G103 Endorsement on letter of Lt. F.A.H. Goubel [[Gaebel]] Continuation of Endorsement 299. Eufaula, Alabama, Oct. 17th, 1867. Respectfully returned to Hd. Qrs Dist of Ala. with the following remarks. Probate Judge of Henry County Ala. reports that diligent search has been made by the Sheriff of the county and that the said Mills cannot be found. (Signed) Wm. E. Connelly Sub. Asst. Comm. Respectfully informed to Bvt Maj S. C. Greene A.A.A.G. Dist. Of Ala. with enclosed report of SAC Mr Wm E Connelly at Eufaula. By Order of Bvt Maj Wager Swayne O.D. Kinsman Sub Asst Commissioner Oct 21st, 1867 [[left margin]] Hd Qrs District of Alabama 426 [[/left margin]] K60 Endorsement on letter of O.D. Kinsman S.A.C. Demopolis, Alabama, Oct 18th, 1867 Respectfully returned with the information that but two (2) arrests have recently been made by Maj Pierce for the murder of freedman, namely those of James Farber and Peter Dallas for the murder of Allen Collier (alias Owen) Col'd. These men were first arrested on the charge of "assault with intent to kill" but after the freedman died they were arrested by the civil authorities on the instance of Maj Pierce on the charge of murder. An investigation of both charges was had before Judge Olivar of Eutaw reports of which I herewith enclose. As this trial is about to come off before the Circuit Court of Greene Co I would respectfully recommend that action by the military be postponed until the result is known. (Signed) Pierce Burton for the S.A.C. Respectfully referred to Bvt Maj S C Greene A.A.A.G. Dist. Of Alabama By order of Bvt Maj Genl Wager Swayne O.D. Kinsman Sub Asst Commissioner Oct 21st, 1867 [[left margin]] Hd Qrs Dist of Alabama 427 [[/left margin]] G104 Endorsement on letter of F.A.H. Gaebel & SAC Eufala, Alabama Oct 17" 1867 Respectfully returned to Hd Qrs Dist of Alabama with the following remarks. Probate Judge of both Dale and Henry Co Ala. report that diligent search has been made by the Sheriffs of these Counties, and that the said Curry cannot be found (signed) Wm E Connelly SAC Respectfully natured to Bvt Brig Genl C.C. Sibley, Asst Comr of Georgia, with endorsed report of [[right margin]] 119 [[right margin]] Sub Asst. Comr. Mr Wm E Connelly of Eufaula. Oct 21st 1867. Bvt Maj Genl and Asst Commissioner [[left margin]] Hd. Qrs. Dist of Alabama 428 [[left margin]] G 105 Endorsement on letter of Captain Gillette SAC Respectfully returned to Captain Gillette SAC at Mobile, who will please make his own statements and any others which may be obtained in the form of an affidavit. By order of Bvt Maj Genl Wager Swayne O.D. Kinsman Sub Asst Commissioner Oct 21st 1867. [[left margin]] Hd. Ors Dist of Alabama H29 [[left margin]] A 58 Continuation of Endorsement on letter of John Appleby Respectfully referred to Bvt Maj SC Greene AAAG Dist of Alabama. By Order of Bvt Maj Genl Wager Swayne O.D. Kinsman Sub Asst. Commissioner Oct 21st 1867 [[left margin]] Hd. Ors Dist of Alabama 430 [[left margin]] W 85 Endorsement on letter of Lieut Winslow 33rd Inft, Respectfully referred to Lieut Geo. Shockley SAC at Selma, for his recommendation in the case. By order of Bvt Maj Genl. Wager Swayne O.D. Kinsman Sub Asst. Commissioner Oct 21st 1867 [[left margin]] Hd Qrs Dist of Alabama 431 [[left margin]] A 59 Endorsement on letter of Ellen Ambrose Washington DC. Oct 18th 1867. Respectfully referred to the Asst Commissioner of Alabama for investigation and report. By Order of Maj Genl. O.O. Howard (signed) E. Whittelsey. A.A.A. Genl Respectfully referred to Captain Gillette S.A.C. at Mobile for full report. These papers to be returned. By Order of Bvt Maj Genl Wager Swayne O.D. Kinsman Sub Asst Commissioner Oct 22nd 1867. [[left margin]] Hd Qrs Dist of Ala. H32 [[left margin]] B 236 Endorsement on letter of P.H. Booth Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj C.M. Pierce, who is directed to take such measures as are necessary to protect the rights of the freedmen without regard to the decree of the Court. By Order of Bvt Maj Genl Wager Swayne Sub Asst Comr Oct 22d 1867