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[[left margin]] Hd Qrs Dist of Alabama 441 [[/left margin]]
G105 Continuation of endorsement (428) on letter of Captain James Gillette SAC at Mobile Mobile Alabama Oct 24th 1867
Respectfully forwarded - affidavit attached
(signed) James Gillette Capt 15th Infty S.A.Commr.
Respectfully forwarded to Hon J.P.C. Shanks M.C. Washington D.C.
Oct 28th 1867 Bvt Maj Genl and Asst Commissioner

[[left margin]] Hd Qrs Dist of Alabama 442 [[/left margin]]
H179 Endorsement on letter of Jas. H. Harrison
Respectfully referred to Lt Geo Shorkley SAC at Selma, for investigation and recommendation in this case. The plantation is on the Alabama River between Portland and Lexington.
By order of Bvt Maj Genl Wager Swayne
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commissioner
Oct 29th 1867

[[left margin]] Hd Qrs Dist of Alabama 443 [[/left margin]]
D32 Endorsement on letter of Elijah Dawson
Respectfully referred to Captain Gillette S.A.C. at Mobile, for his action. If this child has been apprenticed to Mr Geiger action must be taken under GO 3 current series from this office. If not apprenticed writ of habeas corpus should be taken out before the Probate Judge of Mobile County and the right of custody of the child thus determined.
By order of Bvt Maj Genl Wager Swayne
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst. Commissioner
Oct. 29th 1867

[[left margin]] Hd Qrs Dist of Alabama 444 [[/left margin]]
W87 Endorsement on letter of Theodore Wiseman Vicksburg, Oct 24th 1867
Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Maj Genl Wager Swayne Asst Comm State of Ala for such information as he can procure in regard to the boys within mentioned.
(signed) Alvan C. Gillem
Bvt Maj Genl U.S.A. Asst Commr for Miss.
Respectfully referred to Lt. Geo Shorkley SAC at Selma, for report.
By order of Bvt Maj Genl Wager Swayne
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commissioner
Oct 30th 1867


[[left margin]] Hd Qrs Dist of Alabama 445 [[/left margin]]
S248-257 Endorsement on letter of Capt. Geo S. Smith SAC, Vicksburg, Miss Sept 26th 1867
Respectfully forwarded to the Asst. Comr. State of Alabama for the information asked.
(signed) Alvan C. Gillem
Bvt Maj Genl U.S.A. Asst Commr for Miss.
Continuation of endorsement [[?]] on above letter
Washington D.C. Oct 24th 1867
Respectfully returned to Asst. Comr Bu &c Alabama with the information that the claim of the within named men was filed in the office of the 2nd auditor of the Treasury for adjustment Dec 4th 1866 and receipt acknowledged by 2nd auditor April 8th 1867. The claim is awaiting its turn for settlement.
By order of Maj Genl Howard Comr
(signed) A.P. Howe Bvt Maj Genl U.S.A.
Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj Genl Alvan P. Gillem, Asst Comr for Miss, and attention invited to endorsement of the Claim Division of the Bureau.

[[left margin]] Hd Qrs Dist of Alabama 446 [[/left margin]]
C213 Endorsement on letters of Henry G Claus
Respectfully referred to Mr. Robt Blair SAC. So far as the apprenticeship is concerned action must be taken under G.O. No. 3 current series from this Office. From the surname of the master an apprentice being the same it would seem probable that the latter was apprenticed to his late owner under a law of the State which in at least that particular conflicts with the "Civil Rights Bill", as a general rule the "next kin" have a prior claim in apprenticing, provided of course they are proper persons to be intrusted with the duties of a master. Investigation should be made as to the circumstances attending the finding of the bill of indictment against Henry Summerville and the paper returned with report.
By order of Bvt Maj Genl Wager Swayne
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commissioner
Oct 31st 1867

[[left margin]] Hd Qrs Dist of Alabama 447 [[/left margin]]
S258 Endorsement on letter of Genl. C.C. Sibley A.C. &c
Respectfully referred to Mr. Wm E. Connelly S.A.C. at Eufaula, for inquiry and report. If Peppin should be found he must be at once arrested and held subject to requisition of the proper authorities.
By order of Bvt Maj Genl Wager Swayne
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commissioner

Transcription Notes:
*Alvan C. Gillem is found on Google (no Alvan P of this era)