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[[left margin]] State of Ala B.R.F.&A.L. 628 [[/left margin]]
G127 Endorsement on letter of Bvt Maj James Gillette 
Respectfully forwarded to Maj Genl Geo G Meade Comdg Third Mil District with the request that the needed order to correct the wrongs complained of be issued and that it be made to apply to all navigable waters within this State
J. Hayden
Bvt Brig Genl U.S.A.
Asst Commr
March 17 1868

[[left margin]] State of Ala B.R.F.&A.L. 629 [[/left margin]]
Mem13 Endorsement on letter of Lieut A.S. Bennett
Montgomery Ala March 16 1868
Respectfully returned to Bvt Brig Genl J. Hayden Vouchers in name of Mr Drake claiming pay from Nov 1 to Decr 6 1867 were presented to me for payment but I was advised by the Asst Commr for Ala that they had been improperly approved by him as no appointment had been received from Washington although recommended. I therefore declined to pay the account. I am satisfied Mr Drake performed the services as state in the within communication and think he should be paid.
(sgd) Edwin Beecher
Dis Offices BRF&AL
Respectfully forwarded to Maj Genl O.O. Howard Commr &c Washington D.C. asking that authority be given to pay C.L. Drake for services rendered prior to the date of his appointment as agent
J. Hayden
Bvt Brig Genl Asst Commr
March 17 1868

[[left margin]] State of Ala B.R.F.&A.L. 630 [[/left margin]]
B275 Endorsement on letter of Blackwell Wyatt Office Supt of Education Montgomery March 14 1868
Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj Geo Shorkley A.A.G. State of Ala. The Act Supt of Education in State of Ala informs me that only a portion of the school fund can be paid on a/c of the impoverished condition of the State, but that Morgan Co shall receive its proportionate share of amt collected.
H.M Bush
Supt. of Education
Respectfully returned to Head Quarters Third Military Dist inviting attention to endorsement of H.M. Bush Supt of Education.
J. Hayden
Bvt Brig Genl Asst Commr
March 17 1868


[[left margin]] State of Ala B.R.F.&A.L. 631 [[/left margin]]
M131 Endorsement on letter of S. Moore M.D. Office Surg in Chf State of Ala Montgomery March 16 1868
Respectfully referred to Bvt Maj Geo Shorkley A.A.A.Genl for his action with recommendation that a Dispensary be established for the relief of indigent sick people in the locality referred to within. Dr Moore is personally known to me and his statements may be accepted without reserve.
(sgd) H.J. Gray
Surg in Chief
Respectfully referred to Bvt Maj James Gillette Sub Asst Commr for remarks and his recommendation.
By order of
Bvt Brig Genl J. Hayden
Geo Shorkley
Capt 15 Infy Bvt Maj U.S.A. A.A.A.Genl
March 17 1868

[[left margin]] State of Ala B.R.F.&A.L. 632 [[/left margin]]
H231 Endorsement on letter of J. B. Healy Agt
Respectfully transmitted to officer Comdg Sub Dist of Ala with the request that he will please cause Gen Orders 13 & 14 Head Qrs Sub Dist of Ala to be carried out by the justice of the Peace. The undersigned having no means himself by which he can secure justice to the negro except under those orders.
J. Hayden
Bvt Brig Genl U.S.A.
Asst Commr
March 17 1868

[[left margin]] State of Ala B.R.F.&A.L. 633 [[/left margin]]
S277 Endorsement on letter of Bvt Maj Geo Shorkley B.R.F&A.L. Tallahassee F March 7 1868
Respectfully returned with the information that I have not been able to learn anything of the whereabouts of Billingsley. I have had his name called in the colored church at this place no one seems to know anything of him.
G.B. Corse
Capt & Sub Asst Commr
Respectfully returned to C.C. Barlett Sub Asst Commr Selma Ala. Attention invited to endorsement of Capt G. B. Corse Sub Asst Commr at Tallahassee Fla
By order of Bvt Brig Genl J Hayden
Geo Shorkley
Capt 15 Infy Bvt Maj U.S.A. A.A.A.Genl
March 18 1868